Gadjabar, данная таблица предназначена для wowarmory, если у вас ее нет, она не будет использоватся
ManGOS_R10967_ScriptDev2_r1918 (core rev.12 "small quest rewrite" mod by lanc) for 3.3.5a 12340
использованные модификации и правки:
+ Двойная Специализация (принят в ядре мангоса ревизии 9630) + Реализация Арены Доблести(бета) и Арены Даларана + Испытание Великого Крестоносца 95% реализация эвента + Скрипты на Очищение Стратхольма (85% от MaxXx2021/Rsa) (нужно обновление) + Телепорт Мастер + Наксараммас проскриптован на 70% (близзлайк) + Склеп Аркавона проскриптован (для близзлайка необходима реализация ОЛО, возможно реализуется в след ревах) + Lich_king script (alfa 70% от rsa не хватает финальной фазы с frostmourne комнатой) + Кузня душ заскриптована на 80% (баги ядра) + Доступны достижения по рыбалке в столицах + Скриптовка Рубинового Святилища (notagain, rewrite by rsa, обновлено от 7.11.10) + реализация случайного поля боя (new mod by insider) + autobroadcast (таблица перемещена в базу characters для раздвоение реалмов автокаста) + Аукцион Бот + АМК 95%реализация эвента (исправления by rsa, missing timers, text locales) + Цепочка рыцарей смерти фулл (100% - нужен тест (добавлена альфа версия вагонетки, не тестировалось)) + Cкрипты на Ульдуар завершен на 60% (original instance script by Xfurry, small change by rsa, rewrite by PSZ) + Race/Faction change (rewrite commands - .character changerace/changefaction, small correct by selector) + nameannounce (вернулась...) + добавлены патчи для мода by Shadez wowarmory (не используются без оружейной от оригинального автора) + поправлено множество квестов (Борейская тундра 95% все квесты, Гундрак 45%, Седые холмы 50%, Ледяная корона 65%(not tested), Грозовая гряда 75%, Драконий погост 75%, Низина Шолазар 65%, Ревущий фьорд 67%) + Яма Сарона (альфа версия эвента+скриптовка Ика и Крика(без вехиклов временно), Тирания (без вехиклов)) + Залы Отражения (new rewrite by rsa) + Арена-Хонор обменщик by tempura (подкоректированны расценки на обмен ап (антибаг)) + Окулус full (original script by MaxXx2021 & new rewrite by rsa) + Вершина Утгард (original script by MaxXx2021 & small rewrite by PSZ) + Крепость Утгард (small rewrite by MaxXx2021) + Account Forсepermission (дополнительная таблица, позволяющая добавлять права гма, админа только на определенный реалм) + починено 17 спеллов у боссов в ЦЛК (не близлайк) + Немного модифицированы количества уровней доступа: 0 - игрок, 1 - вип, 3 - модератор, 4 - гм, 5 - админ + Испытание Чемпиона скрипты на 80% реализация эвента (без вехиклов & small rewrite achievements by me, very, very hope) + Око Вечности (original by MaxXx2021/PSZ/Tasssadar & small rewrite by rsa wyrmest. my hack platforms (yet implement loot on vehicle)) + New Pet stat Scaling System by rsa (ALPHA version обновлено от 02.02.11) + Античит (обновлено от 02.02.11 rsa) + в яме сарона поправлен баг у Тирания, теперь метка накладывается коректно на одного участника группы + Vehicles(offlike) by zergtmn и дополнения by rsa (small rewrite) + ЦЛК фулл скриптовка [11/12] (без боя) (обновлено от 6.01.11 мелкие фиксы) + множество исправлений по квестам в нордсколе. + Vip Accounts System (by Selector, команды .vip repair (починка), .vip debuff (снятие баффов Слабость после воскрешения и Дезертир), .vip bank (банк), .vip auction (аукцион), .vip resettalents (сброс талов), .vip whispers (отключение/включение лс)), .vip taxi (включение/отключение открытых путей)
Спасибо. При заливки базы из папки sql\03_additions_scripts\01_mangos_sd2.sql вылезли ошибки, накатывал на пересобранную с нуля базу mangos.
[Err] 1048 - Column 'name_loc2' cannot be null [Err] REPLACE INTO `locales_creature` VALUES (99001, 'Slappy McFry', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Слеппи МакКэфри', 'The Teleport Guy', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Магистр Телепортации'); [Err] 1048 - Column 'name_loc2' cannot be null [Err] REPLACE INTO `locales_creature` VALUES (7, 'Besdoban Durnoye', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Бестобан Дурной', 'Arena-Honor Exchange', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Обменщик Арена-Хонора'); [Err] 1054 - Unknown column 'bytes2' in 'field list' [Err] INSERT INTO `creature_template_addon` (`entry`, `mount`, `bytes1`, `bytes2`, `emote`, `moveflags`, `auras`) VALUES ('30385', '0', '8', '1', '0', '0', NULL), ('31474', '0', '8', '1', '0', '0', NULL); [Err] 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`='14' WHERE entry in (26073, 26076, 25392);
-- #### QUEST: Orbaz Fate #### ' at line 2 [Err] -- #### Quest: Word Of Power #### UPDATE creature_template SET `unit_flags`='0', `faction_A`='14', faction_H`='14' WHERE entry in (26073, 26076, 25392);
DELETE FROM `creature_template_addon` WHERE `entry` IN (30385, 31474); INSERT INTO `creature_template_addon` (`entry`, `mount`, `bytes1`, `bytes2`, `emote`, `moveflags`, `auras`) VALUES ('30385', '0', '8', '1', '0', '0', NULL), ('31474', '0', '8', '1', '0', '0', NULL);
DELETE FROM `creature_template_addon` WHERE `entry` IN (30385, 31474); REPLACE INTO `creature_template_addon` VALUES (30385,0,8,1,0,0,0,NULL), (31474,0,8,1,0,0,0,NULL);
P.S. дополнительно на базу реалмд (потерялось во время сборки):
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `account_forcepermission`; CREATE TABLE `account_forcepermission` ( `AccountID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `realmID` int(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `Security` int(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `Comment` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`AccountID`,`realmID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
Сообщение # 339 отредактировано lanc - Пятница, 07.01.2011, 19:00
Вообщем при залитии в реалмд того что ты выше дал, или я уже чтото намудрил, но все равно проверь выбило это:
[Err] 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `account_forcepermission`' at line 1 [Err] DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `account_forcepermission`; [Err] 1050 - Table 'account_forcepermission' already exists [Err] CREATE TABLE `account_forcepermission` ( `AccountID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `realmID` int(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `Security` int(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `Comment` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`AccountID`,`realmID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully
Я так понял, это у меня не залилось из за версии mysql
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `account_forcepermission`;
А это я так понял у меня уже есть
CREATE TABLE `account_forcepermission` ( `AccountID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `realmID` int(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `Security` int(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `Comment` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`AccountID`,`realmID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
А это когда я изменил записи файла (01_mangos_sd2.sql), на те что ты дал выше, раньше было 7 ошибок теперь 6, вот ниже
[Err] 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-- Quest: Drake Hunt (11940/11919) UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='' at line 1 [Err] -- Quest: Drake Hunt (11940/11919) UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='npc_nexus_drake', AIName='' WHERE entry = 26127; [Err] 1048 - Column 'name_loc2' cannot be null [Err] REPLACE INTO `locales_creature` VALUES (99001, 'Slappy McFry', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Слеппи МакКэфри', 'The Teleport Guy', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Магистр Телепортации'); [Err] 1048 - Column 'name_loc2' cannot be null [Err] REPLACE INTO `locales_creature` VALUES (7, 'Besdoban Durnoye', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Бестобан Дурной', 'Arena-Honor Exchange', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Обменщик Арена-Хонора'); [Err] 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`='14' WHERE entry in (26073, 26076, 25392);
-- #### QUEST: Orbaz Fate #### ' at line 2 [Err] -- #### Quest: Word Of Power #### UPDATE creature_template SET `unit_flags`='0', `faction_A`='14', faction_H`='14' WHERE entry in (26073, 26076, 25392);
все ошибки, которые выскакивают при заливке mangos_sd2 абсолютно некритичны! локали пары нпс и пара правок на могрейна (армор=10627) и моба с ид 26076 (нпс флаг =0). можно прекрасно жить без этого! так что льем и не ноем что возникли ошибки! мелочи можно проигнорить. тестить увы не буду времени нету
ManGOS_R10967_ScriptDev2_r1924 (core rev.12.3 "small quest rewrite" mod by lanc) for 3.3.5a 12340
использованные модификации и правки:
+ Двойная Специализация (принят в ядре мангоса ревизии 9630) + Реализация Арены Доблести(бета) и Арены Даларана + Испытание Великого Крестоносца 95% реализация эвента + Скрипты на Очищение Стратхольма (85% от MaxXx2021/Rsa) (нужно обновление) + Телепорт Мастер + Наксараммас проскриптован на 70% (близзлайк) + Склеп Аркавона проскриптован (для близзлайка необходима реализация ОЛО, возможно реализуется в след ревах) + Lich_king script (alfa 70% от rsa не хватает финальной фазы с frostmourne комнатой) + Кузня душ заскриптована на 80% (баги ядра) + Доступны достижения по рыбалке в столицах + Скриптовка Рубинового Святилища (notagain, rewrite by rsa, обновлено от 7.11.10) + реализация случайного поля боя (new mod by insider) + autobroadcast (таблица перемещена в базу characters для раздвоение реалмов автокаста) + Аукцион Бот + АМК 95%реализация эвента (исправления by rsa, missing timers, text locales) + Цепочка рыцарей смерти фулл (100% - нужен тест (добавлена альфа версия вагонетки, не тестировалось)) + Cкрипты на Ульдуар завершен на 60% (original instance script by Xfurry, small change by rsa, rewrite by PSZ) + Race/Faction change (rewrite commands - .character changerace/changefaction, small correct by selector) + Vip Accounts System (by Selector, команды .vip repair (починка), .vip debuff (снятие баффов Слабость после воскрешения и Дезертир), .vip bank (банк), .vip auction (аукцион), .vip resettalents (сброс талов), .vip whispers (отключение/включение лс)) + nameannounce (вернулась...) + добавлены патчи для мода by Shadez wowarmory (не используются без оружейной от оригинального автора) + поправлено множество квестов (Борейская тундра 95% все квесты, Гундрак 45%, Седые холмы 50%, Ледяная корона 65%(not tested), Грозовая гряда 75%, Драконий погост 75%, Низина Шолазар 65%, Ревущий фьорд 67%) + Яма Сарона (альфа версия эвента+скриптовка Ика и Крика(без вехиклов временно), Тирания (без вехиклов)) + Залы Отражения (new rewrite by rsa) + Арена-Хонор обменщик by tempura (подкоректированны расценки на обмен ап (антибаг)) + Окулус full (original script by MaxXx2021 & new rewrite by rsa) + Вершина Утгард (original script by MaxXx2021 & small rewrite by PSZ) + Крепость Утгард (small rewrite by MaxXx2021) + Account Forсepermission (дополнительная таблица, позволяющая добавлять права гма, админа только на определенный реалм) + починено 17 спеллов у боссов в ЦЛК (не близлайк) + Немного модифицированы количества уровней доступа: 0 - игрок, 1 - вип, 3 - модератор, 4 - гм, 5 - админ + Испытание Чемпиона скрипты на 80% реализация эвента (без вехиклов & small rewrite achievements by me, very, very hope) + Око Вечности (original by MaxXx2021/PSZ/Tasssadar & small rewrite by rsa wyrmest. my hack platforms (yet implement loot on vehicle)) + New Pet stat Scaling System by rsa (ALPHA version обновлено от 02.01.11) + Античит (обновлено от 02.01.11 rsa) + в яме сарона поправлен баг у Тирания, теперь метка накладывается коректно на одного участника группы + Vehicles(offlike) by zergtmn и дополнения by rsa (small rewrite) + ЦЛК фулл скриптовка [11/12] (без боя) (обновлено от 6.01.11 мелкие фиксы) + множество исправлений по квестам в нордсколе.
я залил апдейт сначала коряво запустил сервер сд подключился скрипты я обнаружил везде где был. потом исправил ошибки ручками и разницы не заметил. может это волшебство?
Добавлено (13.01.2011, 09:52) --------------------------------------------- исправления только в базе или в ядре тоже? если база скажи ид квестов которые исправлены а то сносить и по новой лить лень
Добавлено (13.01.2011, 09:54) --------------------------------------------- скрипдев накатить новье и все? больше нигде правок нету?
но сейчас январь! или ты умеешь доставать патчи из будующего?
пост-новогодняя опечатка, спасибо
Quote (ChaFieLd)
исправления только в базе или в ядре тоже? если база скажи ид квестов которые исправлены а то сносить и по новой лить лень
советую залить базу сд2 и мангос с нуля, после ваших сторазовых перезаливаний с последующим исправлением скуллов пойди знай как оно будет. P.S. исправления были не только по базе...)
Сообщение # 350 отредактировано lanc - Четверг, 13.01.2011, 10:40
я заливаю 2 раза 1 раз полный скуль а второй раз правки для ерроров каждое ваше ядро уважаемый я ставлю на чистую базу ибо считаю богохультсвом накатывать по 100 раз скули! раз не только по базе знач будем лить по новой.
Quote (lanc)
пост-новогодняя опечатка, спасибо
оо мне знакомо это явление Сообщений: 888 стремишься к бесконечности? :) по делу. после работы проверю работоспособность завтра отпишу что да как.
на острокрылой когда нибудь исправят гарпун? уже 3 ревизию гоняю ульдуар и никак не могу приземлить острокрылую. после починки 1 гарпуна он исчезает а работяги чинят еще 1 гарпун и уходят отдыхать. раньше ульду не проверял сроду поэтому не знаю баг это или недоделки скриптовки. а может флаги в базе? хотя они вроде как одинаковые гарпуны 1 исчезает другой нет. больше пока сказать ничего не могу
2011-01-16 21:43:11 Loading Creature templates... 2011-01-16 21:43:12 ERROR:Error in creature_template table, probably sql file format was updated (there should be 90 fields in sql). я так понял что то пропустил или не долил
подскажите как исправить ??
разобрался, спасибо Лансу и Goblin79 в базу мангос долил 01_mangos_core.sql
Сообщение # 357 отредактировано fantom256 - Понедельник, 17.01.2011, 16:28
Установил себе сборку... насчёт уровней гм.... Если прописать у гм аккаунта с gmlevel = 5 команду .account то она выводит 4 (и так для любого gmlevel >= 4) Соответственно у сервера только 4 уровня, я настроил их так: 1-vip, 2-модер, 3-гм, 4-админ (ну а консоль пятый уровень) Если я чего-то не понимаю - попроавьте, но похоже что там есть баг в Enum где уровни прописываются... (видимо уровень 2 пропущен, от этого длинна [0, 1, 3, 4, 5] == 5 и максимальный уровень будет 5 (у консоли), а у игрока 4... или както так... )
И кстати, можно мне глянуть на патч Premium аккаунтов? Хочу всё-таки понять как настроить Rate.Premium.Quest...
Сервер запускается и работает, однако рапортует о ряде ошибок в базе:
2011-01-27 01:23:48 Gameobject (Entry: 187055 GoType: 22) have data0=0 but Spell (Entry 0) not exist. 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 46945 (prev: 0, first: 46945, rank: 1, req: 0) already added (talent or spell ability with forward) and non need in `spell_chain` 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 46949 (prev: 46945, first: 46945, rank: 2, req: 0) already added (talent or spell ability with forward) and non need in `spell_chain` 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 70756 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 70730 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 70727 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 19184 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 43750 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 48988 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 49222 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 49222 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 51692 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67209 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 51940 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 58872 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 58872 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 60724 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 60726 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 60770 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67353 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67353 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67361 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67361 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 36032 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67363 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67363 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67365 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67365 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67379 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67379 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67386 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67386 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67389 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67389 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67392 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67392 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 64952 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 64952 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71174 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71174 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71176 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71176 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71178 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71178 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71186 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71186 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71191 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71191 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71194 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71194 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71198 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71198 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71217 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71217 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 44543 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 70723 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 48494 listed in `spell_proc_event` is not first rank (48492) in chain 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 48495 listed in `spell_proc_event` is not first rank (48492) in chain 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 70830 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71214 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 71214 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 70808 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 54486 listed in `spell_proc_event` is not first rank (44404) in chain 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 54488 listed in `spell_proc_event` is not first rank (44404) in chain 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 54489 listed in `spell_proc_event` is not first rank (44404) in chain 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 54490 listed in `spell_proc_event` is not first rank (44404) in chain 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 44545 listed in `spell_proc_event` is not first rank (44543) in chain 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 64867 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 64867 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same custom chance as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 17796 listed in `spell_proc_event` is not first rank (17793) in chain 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 17801 listed in `spell_proc_event` is not first rank (17793) in chain 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 17802 listed in `spell_proc_event` is not first rank (17793) in chain 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 17803 listed in `spell_proc_event` is not first rank (17793) in chain 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 64860 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:49 Spell 67151 listed in `spell_proc_event` have exactly same proc flags as in spell.dbc, field value redundent 2011-01-27 01:23:53 Creature (Entry: 2) has nonexistent modelid in modelid_1/modelid_2/modelid_3/modelid_4 2011-01-27 01:23:53 Difficulty 0 mode creature (Entry: 33353) has `ScriptName`, but in any case will used difficulty 0 mode creature (Entry: 32938) ScriptName. 2011-01-27 01:23:53 Difficulty 0 mode creature (Entry: 33449) has `ScriptName`, but in any case will used difficulty 0 mode creature (Entry: 33271) ScriptName. 2011-01-27 01:23:53 Difficulty 0 mode creature (Entry: 34189) has `ScriptName`, but in any case will used difficulty 0 mode creature (Entry: 34188) ScriptName. 2011-01-27 01:23:53 Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 39371 listed for TargetEntry 22431 does not have any implicit target TARGET_SCRIPT(38) or TARGET_SCRIPT_COORDINATES (46) or TARGET_FOCUS_OR_SCRIPTED_GAMEOBJECT (40). 2011-01-27 01:23:53 Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 39371 listed for TargetEntry 22506 does not have any implicit target TARGET_SCRIPT(38) or TARGET_SCRIPT_COORDINATES (46) or TARGET_FOCUS_OR_SCRIPTED_GAMEOBJECT (40). 2011-01-27 01:23:53 Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 39371 listed for TargetEntry 22507 does not have any implicit target TARGET_SCRIPT(38) or TARGET_SCRIPT_COORDINATES (46) or TARGET_FOCUS_OR_SCRIPTED_GAMEOBJECT (40). 2011-01-27 01:23:53 Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 47939 listed for TargetEntry 188539 does not have any implicit target TARGET_SCRIPT(38) or TARGET_SCRIPT_COORDINATES (46) or TARGET_FOCUS_OR_SCRIPTED_GAMEOBJECT (40). 2011-01-27 01:23:53 Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 47962 listed for TargetEntry 27107 does not have any implicit target TARGET_SCRIPT(38) or TARGET_SCRIPT_COORDINATES (46) or TARGET_FOCUS_OR_SCRIPTED_GAMEOBJECT (40). 2011-01-27 01:23:53 Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 48642 listed for TargetEntry 26893 does not have any implicit target TARGET_SCRIPT(38) or TARGET_SCRIPT_COORDINATES (46) or TARGET_FOCUS_OR_SCRIPTED_GAMEOBJECT (40). 2011-01-27 01:23:53 Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 54897 listed for TargetEntry 29358 does not have any implicit target TARGET_SCRIPT(38) or TARGET_SCRIPT_COORDINATES (46) or TARGET_FOCUS_OR_SCRIPTED_GAMEOBJECT (40). 2011-01-27 01:23:53 Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 55812 listed for TargetEntry 30096 does not have any implicit target TARGET_SCRIPT(38) or TARGET_SCRIPT_COORDINATES (46) or TARGET_FOCUS_OR_SCRIPTED_GAMEOBJECT (40). 2011-01-27 01:23:53 Table `spell_script_target`: spellId 61407 listed for TargetEntry 27447 does not have any implicit target TARGET_SCRIPT(38) or TARGET_SCRIPT_COORDINATES (46) or TARGET_FOCUS_OR_SCRIPTED_GAMEOBJECT (40). 2011-01-27 01:23:55 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456390 Entry: 30258) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=431392. 2011-01-27 01:23:55 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456384 Entry: 26497) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 800001 Entry: 33410) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5647), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=14433075. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 800009 Entry: 32938) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5647), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=100000. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 800010 Entry: 32938) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5647), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=100000. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456439 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456438 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456437 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456436 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456435 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456434 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 126611 Entry: 27048) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 126612 Entry: 27048) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 126613 Entry: 27048) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 800002 Entry: 33412) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5647), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=14433075. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456386 Entry: 27891) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 117311 Entry: 28189) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (9610), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=61000. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 117311 Entry: 28189) with low current mana (0), `creature_template`.`minmana`=120000. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 118624 Entry: 28503) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (34137), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=550000. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 800008 Entry: 33327) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5647), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=50400. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 800008 Entry: 33327) with low current mana (0), `creature_template`.`minmana`=44070. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 800007 Entry: 32938) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5647), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=100000. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 800003 Entry: 33411) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5647), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=14433075. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456393 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456392 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456391 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 800004 Entry: 33413) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5647), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=17319688. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456433 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456432 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456458 Entry: 28957) with `MovementType`=1 (random movement) but with `spawndist`=0, replace by idle movement type (0). 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 131859 Entry: 33134) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 800006 Entry: 32938) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5647), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=100000. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 800005 Entry: 32897) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5647), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=50400. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 800005 Entry: 32897) with low current mana (0), `creature_template`.`minmana`=44070. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456385 Entry: 26528) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456388 Entry: 32273) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456387 Entry: 27892) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456430 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456429 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456428 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456427 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456426 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456425 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456424 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456423 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456422 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456421 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456420 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456419 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456418 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456417 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456416 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456415 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456414 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456413 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456412 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456411 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456410 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456409 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456408 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456407 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456406 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456405 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456404 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456403 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456402 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456401 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456400 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456399 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456398 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456397 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456396 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456395 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456394 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456389 Entry: 28439) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456431 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456440 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456441 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456442 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456443 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456444 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456445 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456446 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456447 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456448 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456449 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456450 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456451 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456452 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456453 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456454 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456455 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456456 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 4456457 Entry: 30391) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=126. 2011-01-27 01:23:56 Creature (GUID: 115064) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon` 2011-01-27 01:23:59 Table `gameobject` have gameobject (GUID: 785246 Entry: 193794) with `phaseMask`=0 (not visible for anyone), set to 1. 2011-01-27 01:23:59 Table `gameobject` have gameobject (GUID: 785247 Entry: 193941) with `phaseMask`=0 (not visible for anyone), set to 1. 2011-01-27 01:23:59 `pool_creature` has a non existing creature spawn (GUID: 47738) defined for pool id (303), skipped. 2011-01-27 01:24:00 Table `creature_questrelation` has creature entry (38160) for quest 24683, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER 2011-01-27 01:24:00 Table `creature_questrelation` has creature entry (38161) for quest 24682, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER 2011-01-27 01:24:00 Table `creature_involvedrelation` has creature entry (38160) for quest 24499, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER 2011-01-27 01:24:00 Table `creature_involvedrelation` has creature entry (38161) for quest 24511, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER 2011-01-27 01:24:03 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 26627 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-01-27 01:24:03 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 29940 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-01-27 01:24:03 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 31360 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-01-27 01:24:04 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 900002 (reference id) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-01-27 01:24:04 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 900002 (reference id) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-01-27 01:24:04 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 40630 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-01-27 01:24:04 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` have data for not supported criteria type (Entry: 6652 Type: 41), ignore. 2011-01-27 01:24:04 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` have data for not supported criteria type (Entry: 6651 Type: 41), ignore. 2011-01-27 01:24:04 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` have data for not supported criteria type (Entry: 6653 Type: 41), ignore. 2011-01-27 01:24:04 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` have data for not supported criteria type (Entry: 6654 Type: 41), ignore. 2011-01-27 01:24:04 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` have data for not supported criteria type (Entry: 6655 Type: 41), ignore. 2011-01-27 01:24:04 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` have data for not supported criteria type (Entry: 6656 Type: 41), ignore. 2011-01-27 01:24:04 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` have data for not supported criteria type (Entry: 6657 Type: 41), ignore. 2011-01-27 01:24:04 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` have data for not supported criteria type (Entry: 12398 Type: 14), ignore. 2011-01-27 01:24:04 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` have data for not supported criteria type (Entry: 6641 Type: 30), ignore. 2011-01-27 01:24:04 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` have data for not supported criteria type (Entry: 6642 Type: 30), ignore. 2011-01-27 01:24:04 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` have data for not supported criteria type (Entry: 6643 Type: 30), ignore. 2011-01-27 01:24:04 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` have data for not supported criteria type (Entry: 6644 Type: 30), ignore. 2011-01-27 01:24:07 Table creature_movement contain path for creature guid 138237, but this creature guid does not exist. Skipping. 2011-01-27 01:24:07 Table creature_movement contain path for creature guid 138237, but this creature guid does not exist. Skipping. 2011-01-27 01:24:07 Table creature_movement contain path for creature guid 138238, but this creature guid does not exist. Skipping. 2011-01-27 01:24:07 Table creature_movement contain path for creature guid 138238, but this creature guid does not exist. Skipping. 2011-01-27 01:24:07 Table creature_movement contain path for creature guid 138239, but this creature guid does not exist. Skipping. 2011-01-27 01:24:07 Table creature_movement contain path for creature guid 138239, but this creature guid does not exist. Skipping. 2011-01-27 01:24:07 Table creature_movement contain path for creature guid 138239, but this creature guid does not exist. Skipping. 2011-01-27 01:24:07 Table creature_movement contain path for creature guid 138239, but this creature guid does not exist. Skipping. 2011-01-27 01:24:07 Table creature_movement contain path for creature guid 138288, but this creature guid does not exist. Skipping. 2011-01-27 01:24:07 Table creature_movement contain path for creature guid 138288, but this creature guid does not exist. Skipping. 2011-01-27 01:24:07 Table creature_movement contain path for creature guid 138289, but this creature guid does not exist. Skipping. 2011-01-27 01:24:07 Table creature_movement contain path for creature guid 138289, but this creature guid does not exist. Skipping. 2011-01-27 01:24:13 Table `db_script_string` has unused string id 2000000114 2011-01-27 01:24:13 Table `db_script_string` has unused string id 2000000115 2011-01-27 01:24:13 Table `db_script_string` has unused string id 2000000122 2011-01-27 01:24:13 Table `db_script_string` has unused string id 2000000123 2011-01-27 01:24:13 Table `db_script_string` has unused string id 2000000248 2011-01-27 01:24:13 Table `db_script_string` has unused string id 2000000292 2011-01-27 01:24:13 Table `db_script_string` has unused string id 2000000293 2011-01-27 01:24:13 CreatureEventAI: Creature 16427 has EFLAG_REPEATABLE set. Event can never be repeatable. Removing flag for event 1642702. 2011-01-27 01:24:13 CreatureEventAI: Creature 16427 has EFLAG_REPEATABLE set. Event can never be repeatable. Removing flag for event 1642701. 2011-01-27 01:24:13 CreatureEventAI: Creature 30176 has param1(spellId 0) but param2 is not -1 and not equal to spell's school mask. Event 3017611 can never trigger. 2011-01-27 01:24:13 CreatureEventAI: Creature 30176 is using invalid SpellSchoolMask(0) defined in event 3017611.
На данный момент проверяю работоспособность, надеюсь эти ошибки будут некритичными для работы сервера в целом. P.S. Перезалил бызу повторно, ошибки практически те же, что и были. Я никогда ранее не заливал mangos_scriptname_full.sql в основную базу, по идее все уже есть в базе ytdb, или таки заливать надо ?
Сообщение # 360 отредактировано Ace2001 - Четверг, 27.01.2011, 03:02