как запустить серве на апачи?) всегда юзал денвер, нажимая на ярлык апачи там пишет нажмите клавишу для продолжения, я жму и закрывается а логов ошибки нету=/ сборка вот : http://wowjp.net/forum/20-120031-1 канеш лучше если подскажите как прикрутить туда денвер заместо апачи)
Печальная участь ожидает того, кто наделен талантом...
******************************************************************************** * ArcEmu Optional Configuration File * Last Update: $Id: arcemu-optional.conf rev.2718 * * This configuration file contains all non-blizzlike values. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** * How to use this config file: * Config files are in a block->variable->setting format. * A < signifies the opening of a block, the block name is expected after that. * After the block name, a space and then the settings sperated by = / ' '. * * e.g. * <block setting="0" someval = "1"> * * Comments can be in C format, e.g. /* some stuff */, with a // at the start * of the line, or in shell format (#). ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** * Optional Settings * * Starting Level * This controls at which level characters are created. Range is from 1-80. * Default: 1 * * Level Cap * This variable controls the level that stats will be generated up to internally. * Beyond this level players can still see a higher level visually but their stats won't * increase beyond this point. * Default: 80 * * Generated Level Level Cap * This variable controls the level at which stats will generate up to. Generally the formulas go * crazy after level 80 so this way you can keep the high visual but stats at a reasonable value. * Default: 80 * * Allow The Burning Crusade characters * This will override account settings, so you can disable TBC from your server without having to mess with accounts. * Default: 1 * * AdditionalFun * it's verbose. * Default: 0 (disabled) * * Unstuck * Default: 0 (disabled) * * UnstuckCooldown * Default: 60 (0 = No cooldown, otherwise time in seconds) * * UnstuckToBind (Hearthstone coordinates) * Default: 1 (0 = No, 1 = Yes) * * MaxProfessions * The maximum number of professions a player can have at a time. * Default: 2 * ********************************************************************************/
/******************************************************************************** * Interfaction Options * * InterfactionChat * This directive controls whether horde and alliance players can talk to each other. * Default: 0 (disabled) * * InterfactionGroup * This directive controls whether horde and alliance players are able to build a group together. * Default: 0 (disabled) * * InterfactionGuild * This directive controls whether horde and alliance players are able to build crossfaction guilds * Default: 0 (disabled) * * InterfactionTrade * This directive controls whether horde and alliance players can trade with each other. * Default: 0 (disabled) * * InterfactionFriends * If this is enabled players can add other players from the opposite faction to their friends list * Default: 0 (disabled) * * InterfactionMisc * This directive controls whether horde and alliance players are able to use different functions * on players of the opposite faction. This includes e.g. using the /who command. * Default: 0 (disabled) * * CrossOverCharacters * If this is enabled players are able to create both, horde and alliance characters on a PVP realm. * Default: 0 (disabled) * ********************************************************************************/
/******************************************************************************** * Color Configuration * * AnnTagColor * This controls which color the [] tag in front of announces has. * Default: 2 (Light Blue) * * AnnGMTagColor * This controls the color of the GM/Admin tag in announces. Only enabled if GMAdminTag is set to 1. * Default: 1 (Light red) * * AnnNameColor * This controls the color of the gamemaster's name in announces. * Default: 4 (Green) * * AnnMsgColor * This controls the color of message in announces. * Default: 6 (Gold) * * * You can choose one of the colors below. * LightRed = 1 * LightBlue = 2 * Blue = 3 * Green = 4 * Red = 5 * Gold = 6 * Grey = 7 * White = 8 * Magenta = 9 * Yellow = 10 ********************************************************************************/
/******************************************************************************** * Extra Scripts Configuration * * Instant80 * Enables Instant80 mode. * * PvPToken * This directive enables item rewards when there is a PvP Kill and players are level 70 * * PvPTokenID * If PvPToken is enabled, specify the item ID of your custom Token ID, or any other item * * L70etc * Enables L70etc Band Gossip script. * ********************************************************************************/
/******************************************************************************** * GameMaster Configuration * * ListOnlyActiveGMs * List only gamemasters with enabled GMFlag to players without any permissions. * Default: 0 * * HidePermissions * Hides permission flags from players without any permissions. * Default:0 * * ********************************************************************************/
/******************************************************************************** * Common Schedule Configuration (func from commonschedulethread.cpp p2wow's core) * * AutoBroadCast (MultiLanguages supported) * Enable/Disable new broadcast system.(cebernic: blizzlike ) * Default: 0(Disable) 1(Enable) * * BroadCastInterval * Contents sending on interval by second * Default:(Min:10 Max:1440) * * BroadCastTriggerPercentCap * Setup the cap of chance in condition with contents sending in each BroadCastInterval's value * Notice: OP can setup any of message's priority, this could be adjustment in field `percent` of table `worldbroadcast` * Default:99 (min:1 max:99, 99 only displaying message on priority 100 set.) * i.e : If set 50 ,it means all of messages 100% selected(but may not displayed) by higher than '50' priority with each broadcastinterval. * The total selected messages(>51 priority) chosen at random with send to all players. * * BroadCastOrderMode [0-1] * 0:RandomMode - By Triggering & Conditions * 1:SerialMode - [ignored both ->field `percent` from table `worldbroadcast` & TriggerPercentCap parameters.] * Default:0 * ********************************************************************************/
/******************************************************************************** * Extra Class Configurations * DeathKnightPreReq * Enable/Disable requirement to have a level 55 character on your account before allowing creation * Of a Death Knight hero class. * 1 = level 55 * 0 = Any level * * DeathKnightLimit * Enable/Disable limit to have a more than one Death Knight Hero Class per realm. * 1 = Enabled (Only one Death Knight per realm) * 0 = Disabled (You can create a 10 DK per realm) * ********************************************************************************/
/******************************************************************************** * GoldSettings Configuration * * EnableGoldCap * Enable/Disable Maximum Gold. * Default: 0(Disable) 1(Enable) * * StartingGold * On Creating a character they will start with this amount in Gold * Default: 10 * * MaximumGold * Maximum amount of Gold a character can hold * Default: 214748 (214k gold) * Note: Client Max is 214748 Gold (2^31, signed int32) * ********************************************************************************/