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GCD Hack andPvP Scripts for WOTLK - 3.3.5
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PQR - Rotation''Самый без палевный для World of Warcraft софт который не требует Unlock LUA и работает в реальном времени, то есть если вы хотите его отключить вам достаточно просто нажать на 1 кнопку - можно биндеть свою как вам
удобно ! Робота способность высокая!

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GCD Hack Уменьшит Global CD на 0.2s и каждые заклинания время перезарядки на 0,2 с-0.8s, это невозможно для других людей, чтобы знать, если вы используете его.Одним из примеров полезности этого чита является то, что в WP зеркала вы будете делать больше 300k урона, чем противник воина, не будучи очевидно вообще.

Работает на 100% на всех пиратках:WOTLK - 3.3.5

GCD Hack[This 'GCD hack' will decrease the Global CD (as the name states) by 0.2s and
every spell's cooldown by 0.2s-0.8s, it's impossible for other people to
know if you're using it.One example of the utility of this cheat is that in WP mirrors you will
do around 300k more damage than the enemy warrior, without being obvious
at all.

D E A T H K N I G H T Class
- "Mind Freeze" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:
- Succubus: If "Seduction" is up on Party1-2:
* Healing Spells* CC Spells* Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).
- "Mind Freeze" not Usable if:
* "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up;
* Target is not Casting/Channeling.
- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

R O G U E Class :
- "Vanish" on "Death Coil".
-* "Intercept" Shadowstep
- "Dismantle" on "Bladestorm".
- "Kick" First/Last Second. Interrupted Spells:
- Succubus: If "Seduction" is up on Party1-2:
* Healing Spells;
* CC Spells;
* Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).
- "Kick" not Usable if:
* "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up;
* Target is not Casting/Channeling
- Sap will be casted on Targets being under: "Stealth", "Prowl", "Shadowmeld", "Vanish"

W A R R I O R Class - A R M S :

- "Overpower" on every Cast/Channel.
- "Bash"/"Pummel" First/Last Second. Interrupted Spells:
* Healing Spells;
* CC Spells;
* Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).
- Interrupt-Spells not Usable if:
* "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up;
* Target is not Casting/Channeling.
- Healing Spells won't get Interrupted, if "Overpower" is available.
- "Spell Reflection": If "Shield" is equipped, a CC Spell is casted on You and Interrupt not in Range.
- "Shattering Thrown": Is being used to remove "Ice Block"/"Hand of Protection"/"Divine Shield"
- "Vanish": If any Arena1-3 Rogue uses "Vanish" You will catch him (15-20yards).
- Succubus: If "Seduction" is up on Party1-2:
* Interrupt Succubus. - If in Range;
* "Charge" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range;
* "Intercept" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range and "Charge" is on Cooldown.
- "Intervene": If "Scatter Shot" is up on Party1-2 You will "Intervene" to him.
- "Shadowfiend": If "Shadowfiend" is an existing/ranged Arena1-3Pet You will "Fear" it.
- "Charge"/"Intercept": If Your current Target is about to die:
* "Charge" Arena1-3 Healer to break his current Healing Spell;
* "Intercept" back to Your Main-Target.
* "Disarm" on "Bladestorm" ("Intervene" being used, if needed)
- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

W A R R I O R - A R M S _ R O T A T I O N

- "Overpower" on every Cast/Channel.
- "Bash"/"Pummel" First/Last Second. Interrupted Spells:
* Healing Spells;
* CC Spells;
* Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).
- Interrupt-Spells not Usable if:
* "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up;
* Target is not Casting/Channeling.
- Healing Spells won't get Interrupted, if "Overpower" is available.
- "Spell Reflection": If "Shield" is equipped, a CC Spell is casted on You and Interrupt not in Range.
- "Shattering Thrown": Is being used to remove "Ice Block"/"Hand of Protection"/"Divine Shield"
- "Vanish": If any Arena1-3 Rogue uses "Vanish" You will catch him (15-20yards).
- Succubus: If "Seduction" is up on Party1-2:
* Interrupt Succubus. - If in Range;
* "Charge" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range;
* "Intercept" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range and "Charge" is on Cooldown.
- "Intervene": If "Scatter Shot" is up on Party1-2 You will "Intervene" to him.
- "Shadowfiend": If "Shadowfiend" is an existing/ranged Arena1-3Pet You will "Fear" it.
- "Charge"/"Intercept": If Your current Target is about to die:
* "Intercept" Arena1-3 Healer to break his current Healing Spell;
* "Charge" back to Your Main-Target.
* "Disarm" on "Bladestorm" ("Intervene" being used, if needed)
- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.
- Auto-Rotation:
* Refreshing: "Rend","Hamstring","Mortal Strike";
* Dmg-Rotation ("Overpower" included on non-Healers);
* Buffing ("Recklessness"/"Bloodrage" included);
* Auto "Berserker Rage", if needed.

P R I E S T Class

- "Shadow Word: Death" (Including StopCast) for: "Polymorph"/"Seduction"/"Scatter Shot"/"Blind".
- "Inner Fire": Being used if PlayerHP is 80%+. Else PartyMessage: "Missing: Inner Fire".
- FakeCast:
* "Kick" on "Shadowstep".
* "Pummel".
* "Vampiric Touch" on "Spell Reflection".
- Pet:
* "Shadowcrawl": Being used on PetTarget as soon as it's off Cooldown;
* "Fear Ward": Being used on Pet if Arena1-3 Warrior exists.
- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

S H A M A N :

- "Grounding Totem" on "Hex".
- Succubus: If "Seduction" is up on Party1-2:
- "Tremor Totem": Being used if a ranged Party1-2 Member is under any "Fear"-Spell.
- Stopcasting, if your Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Purge" it.
- "Cleanse Spirit": Being used to Dispel "Hex"/"Curse of Tongues" off a ranged Party1-2 Member.
- "Water Shield"/"Lightning Shield": Being used if it's not up anymore and (NoCast).
- "Wind Shear" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:
* CC Spells: "Hex"/"Polymorph"/"Seduction"/"Fear"/"Cyclone";
* Healing Spells: Just if Arena1-3 is not a Warlock/Shaman/Druid or Mage.
- FakeCast:
* "Kick" on "Shadowstep".
* "Pummel".
- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

M A G E Class :

- "Counterspell" Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells: "Hex"/"Polymorph".
- "Counterspell" not Usable if: "Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up.
- "Deep Freeze" not Usable if: "Anti-Magic: Shell"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up.
- Stopcasting, if your Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Ice Lance" it.
- Stopcasting "Polymorph", if "Shadow Word: Death" is Casted on You or any friendly ArenaTarget.
- FakeCast:
* "Kick" on "Shadowstep".
* "Pummel".
- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

Добавлено (12.04.2016, 07:32)

Добавлено (15.04.2016, 17:55)

Сообщение # 1 отредактировано pqrtoolrankone - Вторник, 12.04.2016, 07:33
Сообщение # 2 написано 30.08.2016 в 20:28
Форум » Торговый раздел » Торговля наработками и услугами для пиратских серверов » GCD Hack andPvP Scripts for WOTLK - 3.3.5 (скрипы для всех классов,гкд хак,attack hack)
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