Позволяет писать любым цветом,с эмблемой ГМа.Патч 2.4.1
Кидать в \World of Warcraft 2.4.1\Interface


/cm = список команд
/cmon = включить аддон
/cmoff = выключить
/cmstatus = показывает цевт
/cmprotection = just dont deactivate it
/cmcolor = opens color picker
/cmcolor [color] = selects color for chat
/cmgm [name] = //ascent//old gm broadcast mode
/cmadmin [name] = //ascent//old admin broadcast mode
/cmwhisper [name] = gm whisper mode
/cmimp = displays mode-commands (i haven't added all new commands yet)
/cmlogspoof [name] = spoofs combatlog
/cmlogspoofset [text] = never used but i think u can write anything in your combatlog
/cmroll [number] = makes u roll [number] or somthing between 95 and 100
/cmlmao = makes blizz logo appear in the middle of your (and all others around you ) screen
/cmlol = makes your johnny say hello
/cmrofl = makes your johnny say googbye very, very fast
/cmconsole = //ascent// [Console] mode
/cmnotice = //ascent// [Server Notice] mode
/cmnewgm = //ascent// new gm broadcast mode
/cmnewadmin = //ascent// new admin broadcast mode
/cmsystem = \\mangos\\ [System Message] mode
/cmserver = //ascent// [SERVER] mode
/cmlist = displays colors for /cmcolor [color] command (made an error in 3.2)
/cmcolorhelp =    troubleshooting help page (made an error in 3.2 too)
/cmcredits = shows credits (what a surprise)
/cmtest = xD i like him
/cmlogon = activates chatlogging
/cmlogoff = deactivates chatlogging
/cmname [name] = oh i like that: changes your name to colorme (if you dont write anything else than /cmname) or                         
                            an anyother name u want. and it clears your chat. i basicly made it for ppl making screens (for                 
                            an exploit) so you dont always have got to back out your name and chat.
/cmnameoff = shows your normal name again
/cmca [number] = incredible calculator (type /cmca [number] enter then once again it will make numb1+numb2  Shocked)
/cmfs = (very beta) lets you write anythin in the chat without "[you] says: sdfgfgd" infront but its just displayed to you (for making a screenshot to get someone banned for excemple)
/cmremove [name] = //ascent// fakes a "[name] removed item XXX from your infentory" message. (XXX is random)
/cmappear [name] = //ascent// fakes a "[name] is appearing a your location" message
/cmoo = i think some of u will already know it bur i just love it so i had to but it in
/cmplay = u must do that
/cmstop = stops it
/cmmeanscolormebutimsureyoualreadyknewthatwellthatsnotwhatiwanttotellyouwhatiwwantyoutoknowisthatthislittlefunnycommandwillcrashyourwoworatle  astcreateamegalagsodontuseit

/cmahhh остановка

Добавил: Juline
  • Poker Спам


    18.05.2008 20:13
  • sonix Спам

    не робит на 2.4.1 покрайней мере на моём серваке...и на 3х ещё других... dry

    19.05.2008 03:08
  • qazwsxqq Спам

    у меня чето сслыка не робит можно перезалить

    19.05.2008 11:42
  • serg_v.i.p. Спам

    Антон всё пашет + /cmgm /cmadmin (рульная вещь)

    20.05.2008 23:28
  • Rul Спам

    у меня на 2.4.1 пашет норм ,,,

    08.06.2008 19:38
  • SNM Спам

    АНТОН У ТЯ РУКИ КРИВЫЕ ПРОСТО ДА ЕЩЁ ИЗ ЖОПЫ ВЫРАСЛИ ( БЕЗ ОБИД НО ЭТО ТАК ) ПОТОМУШО У ВСЕХ 2тыс. человек с сетки пашет и нехто нежаловался шо непашет или непрально пашет !!! 1 баг это галки в меню неставит ((

    04.08.2008 10:19
  • Ержан Спам

    на патче 2.4.3 будет работать ? happy

    20.08.2008 20:51
  • [ZiRo] Спам


    25.04.2010 21:09
  • FEll@BlE Спам

    Работает. Но иконка близов не там * sad

    15.11.2010 20:51