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Модератор форума: andycrowz |
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Для вара {луа скрипты} |
много флуда в чате что бы не искали + я добавил не много проверак
если нужные идеальные скрипты писать в скайп pqr не палица так как луа авто героик 70+ раги Код function Destroy(self, elapsed) local enabled = GetSpellCooldown("Heroic Strike") local rage = UnitPower("player") local inRange = IsSpellInRange("Heroic Strike", "target") if enabled == 0 and inRange == 1 and rage >= 70 then RunMacroText("/cast Heroic Strike(Rank 13)") end end CreateFrame("Frame", "DestroyFrame") DestroyFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", Destroy) инстант кик во все спелы по фану Код function TKick(self, elapsed) local spell, _, _, _, _, endTime, _, _, interrupt = UnitCastingInfo("target") local enabled = GetSpellCooldown("Shield Bash") local rage = UnitPower("player") local inRange = IsSpellInRange("Shield Bash", "target") if spell then if interrupt == false and enabled == 0 and inRange == 1 and rage >= 10 and not UnitBuff("player", "Bladestorm") and (GetShapeshiftForm() == 1 or GetShapeshiftForm() == 2) then RunMacro("название макроса сбития каста по таргету") end end end CreateFrame("Frame", "TKickFrame") TKickFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", TKick) кик в таргет с проверкой на время так же во все спелы Код function TKick(self, elapsed) local spell, _, _, _, _, endTime, _, _, interrupt = UnitCastingInfo("target") local enabled = GetSpellCooldown("Shield Bash") local rage = UnitPower("player") local inRange = IsSpellInRange("Shield Bash", "target") if spell then if interrupt == false and enabled == 0 and inRange == 1 and rage >= 10 and not UnitBuff("player", "Bladestorm") and (GetShapeshiftForm() == 1 or GetShapeshiftForm() == 2) then local finish = endTime/1000 - GetTime() if finish <= 0.4 then RunMacro("название макроса") end end end end CreateFrame("Frame", "TKickFrame") TKickFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", TKick) фокус кик Код function FKick(self, elapsed) local spell, _, _, _, _, endTime, _, _, interrupt = UnitCastingInfo("focus") local enabled = GetSpellCooldown("Shield Bash") local rage = UnitPower("player") local inRange = IsSpellInRange("Shield Bash", "focus") if spell == "Polymorph" or spell == "Hex" or spell == "Cyclone" or spell == "Holy Light" or spell == "Flash of Light" or spell == "Flash Heal" or spell == "Vampiric Touch" then if interrupt == false and enabled == 0 and inRange == 1 and rage >= 10 and not UnitBuff("player", "Bladestorm") and (GetShapeshiftForm() == 1 or GetShapeshiftForm() == 2) then RunMacro("назване макроса на сбитие по фокусу!") end end end CreateFrame("Frame", "FKickFrame") FKickFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", FKick) овер по хил,дамаг спелам на фокус Код function Kick(self, elapsed) local spell, _, _, _, _, endTime, _, _, interrupt = UnitCastingInfo("focus") local enabled = GetSpellCooldown("Overpower") local inRange = IsSpellInRange("Overpower", "focus") if spell == "Holy Light" or spell == "Exorcism" or spell == "Flash of Light" or spell == "Chain Lightning" or spell == "Lava Burst" or spell == "Lightning Bolt" or spell == "Healing Wave" or spell == "Lesser Healing Wave" or spell == "Binding Heal" or spell == "Greater Heal" or spell == "Flash Heal" or spell == "Smite" or spell == "Mind Blast" or spell == "Mind Blast" or spell == "Arcane Blast" or spell == "Frostfire Bolt" or spell == "Scorch" or spell == "Frostbolt" or spell == "Starfire" or spell == "Wrath" or spell == "Regrowth" or spell == "Nourish" or spell == "Wrath" then if interrupt == false and enabled == 0 and inRange == 1 and (not UnitDebuff("focus", "Unrelenting Assault")) then RunMacroText("/cast [target=focus]Overpower") end end end CreateFrame("Frame", "KickFrame") KickFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", Kick) инстант рефлект Код SpellBase = {"Psychic Horror", "Death Coil", "Deep Freeze", "Превращение", "Молот правосудия"} SpellFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "FrameSpell", UIParent); SpellFrame:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED"); SpellFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, arg1, arg2, ...) if(event=="COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED") then for s = 1,#SpellBase do local name = UnitName("player") if arg2 == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" and name ~= arg4 and name == arg7 and arg10 == SpellBase [s]then local enabled = GetSpellCooldown("Spell Reflection") if enabled == 0 then CastSpellByName("Spell Reflection") end end end end end) |
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