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Модератор форума: Dimitro  
Auth, ошибка (TrinityCOre оф).
TrinityCore rev. unknown 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (Archived branch) (Win64, Release) (authserver)
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

Using configuration file C:/Server/Release/authserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1t  3 May 2016 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016)
Using Boost version: 1.59.0
Automatic database updates are disabled for all databases!
Opening DatabasePool 'auth'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous connections: 1.
MySQL client library: 5.5.49
MySQL server ver: 5.5.49 
Connected to MySQL database at
MySQL client library: 5.5.49
MySQL server ver: 5.5.49 
Connected to MySQL database at
DatabasePool 'auth' opened successfully. 2 total connections running.
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 1, sql: "DELETE FROM ip_banned WHERE unbandate<>bandate AND unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"
DELETE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'ip_banned'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 2, sql: "UPDATE account_banned SET active = 0 WHERE active = 1 AND unbandate<>bandate AND unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account_banned'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 3, sql: "(SELECT unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR unbandate = bandate AS banned, NULL as country FROM ip_banned WHERE ip = ?) UNION (SELECT NULL AS banned, country FROM ip2nation WHERE INET_NTOA(ip) = ?)"
SELECT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'ip_banned'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 4, sql: "INSERT INTO ip_banned (ip, bandate, unbandate, bannedby, banreason) VALUES (?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP()+?, 'Trinity Auth', 'Failed login autoban')"
INSERT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'ip_banned'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 7, sql: "INSERT INTO account_banned VALUES (?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP()+?, 'Trinity Auth', 'Failed login autoban', 1)"
INSERT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account_banned'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 8, sql: "DELETE FROM account_banned WHERE id = ?"
DELETE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account_banned'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 9, sql: "UPDATE account SET v = ?, s = ? WHERE username = ?"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 11, sql: "SELECT a.id, a.username, a.locked, a.lock_country, a.last_ip, a.failed_logins, ab.unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR ab.unbandate = ab.bandate, ab.unbandate = ab.bandate, aa.gmlevel, a.token_key, a.sha_pass_hash, a.v, a.s FROM account a LEFT JOIN account_access aa ON a.id = aa.id LEFT JOIN account_banned ab ON ab.id = a.id AND ab.active = 1 WHERE a.username = ?"
SELECT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 12, sql: "SELECT a.id, UPPER(a.username), a.locked, a.lock_country, a.last_ip, a.failed_logins, ab.unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR ab.unbandate = ab.bandate, ab.unbandate = ab.bandate, aa.gmlevel, a.sessionKey FROM account a LEFT JOIN account_access aa ON a.id = aa.id LEFT JOIN account_banned ab ON ab.id = a.id AND ab.active = 1 WHERE a.username = ?"
SELECT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 14, sql: "UPDATE account SET failed_logins = failed_logins + 1 WHERE username = ?"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 17, sql: "SELECT a.id, a.sessionkey, a.last_ip, a.locked, a.lock_country, a.expansion, a.mutetime, a.locale, a.recruiter, a.os, aa.gmLevel, ab.unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR ab.unbandate = ab.bandate, r.id FROM account a LEFT JOIN account_access aa ON a.id = aa.id AND aa.RealmID IN (-1, ?) LEFT JOIN account_banned ab ON a.id = ab.id AND ab.active = 1 LEFT JOIN account r ON a.id = r.recruiter WHERE a.username = ? ORDER BY aa.RealmID DESC LIMIT 1"
SELECT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 19, sql: "SELECT realmid, numchars FROM realmcharacters WHERE  acctid = ?"
SELECT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'realmcharacters'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 21, sql: "INSERT INTO ip_banned (ip, bandate, unbandate, bannedby, banreason) VALUES (?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP()+?, ?, ?)"
INSERT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'ip_banned'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 22, sql: "DELETE FROM ip_banned WHERE ip = ?"
DELETE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'ip_banned'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 26, sql: "INSERT INTO account_banned VALUES (?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP()+?, ?, ?, 1)"
INSERT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account_banned'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 27, sql: "UPDATE account_banned SET active = 0 WHERE id = ? AND active != 0"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account_banned'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 28, sql: "DELETE FROM realmcharacters WHERE acctid = ? AND realmid = ?"
DELETE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'realmcharacters'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 29, sql: "DELETE FROM realmcharacters WHERE acctid = ?"
DELETE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'realmcharacters'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 30, sql: "INSERT INTO realmcharacters (numchars, acctid, realmid) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
INSERT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'realmcharacters'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 31, sql: "SELECT SUM(numchars) FROM realmcharacters WHERE acctid = ?"
SELECT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'realmcharacters'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 33, sql: "INSERT INTO realmcharacters (realmid, acctid, numchars) SELECT realmlist.id, account.id, 0 FROM realmlist, account LEFT JOIN realmcharacters ON acctid=account.id WHERE acctid IS NULL"
INSERT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'realmcharacters'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 34, sql: "UPDATE account SET expansion = ? WHERE id = ?"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 35, sql: "UPDATE account SET locked = ? WHERE id = ?"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 36, sql: "UPDATE account SET lock_country = ? WHERE id = ?"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 37, sql: "INSERT INTO logs (time, realm, type, level, string) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
INSERT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'logs'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 38, sql: "UPDATE account SET v = 0, s = 0, username = ?, sha_pass_hash = ? WHERE id = ?"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 39, sql: "UPDATE account SET v = 0, s = 0, sha_pass_hash = ? WHERE id = ?"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 40, sql: "UPDATE account SET email = ? WHERE id = ?"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 41, sql: "UPDATE account SET reg_mail = ? WHERE id = ?"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 42, sql: "UPDATE account SET mutetime = ? , mutereason = ? , muteby = ? WHERE id = ?"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 43, sql: "UPDATE account SET mutetime = ? WHERE id = ?"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 44, sql: "UPDATE account SET last_ip = ? WHERE username = ?"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 45, sql: "UPDATE account SET last_attempt_ip = ? WHERE username = ?"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 46, sql: "UPDATE account SET online = 1 WHERE id = ?"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 47, sql: "UPDATE uptime SET uptime = ?, maxplayers = ? WHERE realmid = ? AND starttime = ?"
UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'uptime'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 48, sql: "DELETE FROM logs WHERE (time + ?) < ?"
DELETE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'logs'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 49, sql: "DELETE FROM account_access WHERE id = ?"
DELETE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account_access'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 50, sql: "DELETE FROM account_access WHERE id = ? AND (RealmID = ? OR RealmID = -1)"
DELETE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account_access'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 51, sql: "INSERT INTO account_access (id,gmlevel,RealmID) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
INSERT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account_access'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 66, sql: "DELETE FROM account WHERE id = ?"
DELETE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 72, sql: "INSERT INTO logs_ip_actions (account_id,character_guid,type,ip,systemnote,unixtime,time) VALUES (?, ?, ?, (SELECT last_ip FROM account WHERE id = ?), ?, unix_timestamp(NOW()), NOW())"
INSERT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'logs_ip_actions'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 73, sql: "INSERT INTO logs_ip_actions (account_id,character_guid,type,ip,systemnote,unixtime,time) VALUES (?, ?, ?, (SELECT last_attempt_ip FROM account WHERE id = ?), ?, unix_timestamp(NOW()), NOW())"
INSERT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'logs_ip_actions'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 74, sql: "INSERT INTO logs_ip_actions (account_id,character_guid,type,ip,systemnote,unixtime,time) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, unix_timestamp(NOW()), NOW())"
INSERT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'logs_ip_actions'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 75, sql: "INSERT INTO logs_ip_actions (account_id,character_guid,type,ip,systemnote,unixtime,time) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM account WHERE username = ?), 0, 1, ?, ?, unix_timestamp(NOW()), NOW())"
INSERT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'logs_ip_actions'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 77, sql: "SELECT permissionId, granted FROM rbac_account_permissions WHERE accountId = ? AND (realmId = ? OR realmId = -1) ORDER BY permissionId, realmId"
SELECT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'rbac_account_permissions'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 78, sql: "INSERT INTO rbac_account_permissions (accountId, permissionId, granted, realmId) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE granted = VALUES(granted)"
INSERT,UPDATE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'rbac_account_permissions'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 79, sql: "DELETE FROM rbac_account_permissions WHERE accountId = ? AND permissionId = ? AND (realmId = ? OR realmId = -1)"
DELETE command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'rbac_account_permissions'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 80, sql: "INSERT INTO account_muted VALUES (?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?, ?, ?)"
INSERT command denied to user 'trinity'@'localhost' for table 'account_muted'
Closing down DatabasePool 'auth'.
Asynchronous connections on DatabasePool 'auth' terminated. Proceeding with synchronous connections.
All connections on DatabasePool 'auth' closed.
Could not prepare statements of the Login database, see log for details.
Closing down DatabasePool 'auth'.
Asynchronous connections on DatabasePool 'auth' terminated. Proceeding with synchronous connections.
All connections on DatabasePool 'auth' closed.
Сообщение # 1 написано 10.05.2016 в 00:53
para bellum
1. Не правильно залита БД.
2. Нету доступа у юзера trinity к бд auth
Сообщение # 2 написано 10.05.2016 в 01:13
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