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Форум » TrinityCore » [TrinityCore] Help » Уровни доступов для ГМов. Где почитать |
Уровни доступов для ГМов. Где почитать |
Пересмотрел http://collab.kpsn.org/ на тему RBAC, но там толком не написано ничего. Поиск тут тоже особо ничего не дал.
Уровни доступа у игроков от 0 и до 3 (где больше 0 уже ГМ). И доступы от 192 и до 195 соответственно. Но сопоставляя rbac_linked_permissions и rbac_permissions вижу что ID есть и выше чем 195... И все что выше 195 - это команды уже... Хотя и на 192 тоже есть команды. Тут я уже теряюсь, как это?
Сообщение # 1 написано 01.10.2015 в 21:17
в "rbac_default_permissions" у вас идут уровни гм: 0 уровень (игрок) = 195 1 уровень = 194 2 уровень = 193 3 уровень = 192 4 уровень = 191 в "rbac_permissions" у вас идут описание команд и их ид в "rbac_linked_permissions" у вас идёт уровень(от 191 до 195) на (ид) комманд, кстати тут вы и ставите лвл на команду, ид команд вы можете посмотрить тут : world > command. |
Спасибо за подсказку.
Вроде разобрался... Добавлено (02.10.2015, 23:27) --------------------------------------------- На всякий случай, может кому понадобится... Permission 195 SQL: Код SELECT a.*, b.name FROM auth.rbac_linked_permissions AS a JOIN auth.rbac_permissions AS b ON a.linkedid=b.id AND a.id=195; id linkedId name 195 3 Join Normal Battleground 195 4 Join Random Battleground 195 5 Join Arenas 195 6 Join Dungeon Finder 195 24 Two side faction characters on the same account 195 49 Forces to enter the email for confirmation on pass... 195 199 Role: Player Commands Permission 194. SQL: Код SELECT a.*, b.name FROM auth.rbac_linked_permissions AS a JOIN auth.rbac_permissions AS b ON a.linkedid=b.id AND a.id=194; id linkedId name 194 1 Instant logout 194 2 Skip Queue 194 11 Log GM trades 194 13 Skip Instance required bosses check 194 14 Skip character creation team mask check 194 15 Skip character creation class mask check 194 16 Skip character creation race mask check 194 17 Skip character creation reserved name check 194 18 Skip character creation heroic min level check 194 19 Skip needed requirements to use channel check 194 20 Skip disable map check 194 22 Skip spam chat check 194 23 Skip over-speed ping check 194 25 Allow say chat between factions 194 26 Allow channel chat between factions 194 27 Two side mail interaction 194 28 See two side who list 194 29 Add friends of other faction 194 30 Save character without delay with .save command 194 31 Use params with .unstuck command 194 32 Can be assigned tickets with .assign ticket comman... 194 33 Notify if a command was not found 194 34 Check if should appear in list using .gm ingame co... 194 35 See all security levels with who command 194 36 Filter whispers 194 37 Use staff badge in chat 194 38 Resurrect with full Health Points 194 39 Restore saved gm setting states 194 40 Allows to add a gm to friend list 194 41 Use Config option START_GM_LEVEL to assign new cha... 194 44 Receive global GM messages/texts 194 46 Change channel settings without being channel mode... 194 47 Enables lower security than target check 194 51 Allow trading between factions 194 195 Role: Sec Level Player 194 198 Role: Moderator Commands 194 632 Command: .mutehistory 194 798 Command: .mod xp Permission 193 SQL: Код SELECT a.*, b.name FROM auth.rbac_linked_permissions AS a JOIN auth.rbac_permissions AS b ON a.linkedid=b.id AND a.id=193; id linkedId name 193 48 Enable IP, Last Login and EMail output in pinfo 193 194 Role: Sec Level Moderator 193 197 Role: Gamemaster Commands Permission 192 SQL: Код SELECT a.*, b.name FROM auth.rbac_linked_permissions AS a JOIN auth.rbac_permissions AS b ON a.linkedid=b.id AND a.id=192; id linkedId name 192 21 Skip reset talents when used more than allowed check 192 42 Allows to use CMSG_WORLD_TELEPORT opcode 192 43 Allows to use CMSG_WHOIS opcode 192 193 Role: Sec Level Gamemaster 192 196 Role: Administrator Commands 192 778 Command: ahbot 192 779 Command: ahbot items 192 780 Command: ahbot items gray 192 781 Command: ahbot items white 192 782 Command: ahbot items green 192 783 Command: ahbot items blue 192 784 Command: ahbot items purple 192 785 Command: ahbot items orange 192 786 Command: ahbot items yellow 192 787 Command: ahbot ratio 192 788 Command: ahbot ratio alliance 192 789 Command: ahbot ratio horde 192 790 Command: ahbot ratio neutral 192 791 Command: ahbot rebuild 192 792 Command: ahbot reload 192 793 Command: ahbot status 192 794 Command: .guild info 192 795 Command: .instance setbossstate 192 796 Command: instance getbossstate Permission 191 - Нет такой буквы. Role: Player Commands - 199 SQL: Код SELECT a.*, b.name FROM auth.rbac_linked_permissions AS a JOIN auth.rbac_permissions AS b ON a.linkedid=b.id AND a.id=199; id linkedId name 199 217 Command: account 199 221 Command: account lock 199 222 Command: account lock country 199 223 Command: account lock ip 199 225 Command: account password 199 263 Command: account email 199 496 Command: commands 199 501 Command: dismount 199 507 Command: help 199 525 Command: save 199 534 Command: unstuck 199 797 Command: pvpstats Role: Moderator Commands - 198 SQL: Код SELECT a.*, b.name FROM auth.rbac_linked_permissions AS a JOIN auth.rbac_permissions AS b ON a.linkedid=b.id AND a.id=198; id linkedId name 198 218 Command: account addon 198 300 Command: debug 198 312 Command: debug los 198 315 Command: debug play 198 316 Command: debug play cinematics 198 317 Command: debug play movie 198 318 Command: debug play sound 198 367 Command: event 198 368 Command: event activelist 198 369 Command: event start 198 370 Command: event stop 198 371 Command: gm 198 372 Command: gm chat 198 374 Command: gm ingame 198 376 Command: gm visible 198 377 Command: go 198 378 Command: go creature 198 379 Command: go graveyard 198 380 Command: go grid 198 381 Command: go object 198 382 Command: go taxinode 198 383 Command: go ticket 198 384 Command: go trigger 198 385 Command: go xyz 198 386 Command: go zonexy 198 408 Command: honor 198 409 Command: honor add 198 410 Command: honor add kill 198 411 Command: honor update 198 412 Command: instance 198 413 Command: instance listbinds 198 414 Command: instance unbind 198 415 Command: instance stats 198 416 Command: instance savedata 198 430 Command: lfg 198 431 Command: lfg player 198 432 Command: lfg group 198 433 Command: lfg queue 198 462 Command: announce 198 466 Command: gmannounce 198 467 Command: gmnameannounce 198 468 Command: gmnotify 198 469 Command: nameannounce 198 470 Command: notify 198 471 Command: whispers 198 483 Command: send 198 484 Command: send items 198 490 Command: appear 198 504 Command: freeze 198 512 Command: listfreeze 198 515 Command: mute 198 520 Command: recall 198 524 Command: saveall 198 528 Command: summon 198 531 Command: unfreeze 198 532 Command: unmute 198 544 Command: modify 198 545 Command: modify arenapoints 198 546 Command: modify bit 198 547 Command: modify drunk 198 548 Command: modify energy 198 549 Command: modify faction 198 551 Command: modify honor 198 552 Command: modify hp 198 553 Command: modify mana 198 554 Command: modify money 198 555 Command: modify mount 198 557 Command: modify rage 198 559 Command: modify runicpower 198 560 Command: modify scale 198 561 Command: modify speed 198 562 Command: modify speed all 198 563 Command: modify speed backwalk 198 564 Command: modify speed fly 198 565 Command: modify speed walk 198 566 Command: modify speed swim 198 567 Command: modify spell 198 569 Command: modify talentpoints 198 570 Command: npc 198 597 Command: npc say 198 598 Command: npc textemote 198 599 Command: npc whisper 198 600 Command: npc yell 198 737 Command: tele 198 740 Command: tele name 198 741 Command: tele group 198 742 Command: ticket 198 744 Command: ticket close 198 745 Command: ticket closedlist 198 746 Command: ticket comment 198 747 Command: ticket complete 198 749 Command: ticket escalate 198 751 Command: ticket list 198 752 Command: ticket onlinelist 198 754 Command: ticket response 198 755 Command: ticket response append 198 756 Command: ticket response appendln 198 759 Command: ticket viewid 198 760 Command: ticket viewname Role: Gamemaster Commands 197 SQL: Код SELECT a.*, b.name FROM auth.rbac_linked_permissions AS a JOIN auth.rbac_permissions AS b ON a.linkedid=b.id AND a.id=197; id linkedId name 197 232 Command: arena 197 236 Command: arena info 197 237 Command: arena lookup 197 273 Command: character 197 274 Command: character customize 197 275 Command: character changefaction 197 276 Command: character changerace 197 277 Command: character deleted 197 284 Command: character rename 197 285 Command: character reputation 197 286 Command: character titles 197 301 Command: debug anim 197 311 Command: debug lootrecipient 197 387 Command: gobject 197 388 Command: gobject activate 197 389 Command: gobject add 197 390 Command: gobject add temp 197 391 Command: gobject delete 197 392 Command: gobject info 197 393 Command: gobject move 197 394 Command: gobject near 197 395 Command: gobject set 197 396 Command: gobject set phase 197 397 Command: gobject set state 197 398 Command: gobject target 197 399 Command: gobject turn 197 479 Command: pet 197 480 Command: pet create 197 481 Command: pet learn 197 482 Command: pet unlearn 197 485 Command: send mail 197 486 Command: send message 197 487 Command: send money 197 494 Command: combatstop 197 506 Command: guid 197 509 Command: itemmove 197 510 Command: kick 197 517 Command: pinfo 197 518 Command: playall 197 521 Command: repairitems 197 542 Command: morph 197 543 Command: demorph 197 550 Command: modify gender 197 558 Command: modify reputation 197 568 Command: modify standstate 197 571 Command: npc add 197 572 Command: npc add formation 197 573 Command: npc add item 197 574 Command: npc add move 197 575 Command: npc add temp 197 576 Command: npc add delete 197 577 Command: npc add delete item 197 578 Command: npc add follow 197 579 Command: npc add follow stop 197 580 Command: npc set 197 583 Command: npc set factionid 197 584 Command: npc set flag 197 585 Command: npc set level 197 586 Command: npc set link 197 587 Command: npc set model 197 588 Command: npc set movetype 197 589 Command: npc set phase 197 590 Command: npc set spawndist 197 591 Command: npc set spawntime 197 594 Command: npc near 197 595 Command: npc move 197 601 Command: npc tame 197 743 Command: ticket assign 197 750 Command: ticket escalatedlist 197 758 Command: ticket unassign 197 761 Command: titles 197 762 Command: titles add 197 763 Command: titles current 197 764 Command: titles remove 197 765 Command: titles set 197 766 Command: titles set mask 197 767 Command: wp 197 768 Command: wp add 197 769 Command: wp event 197 770 Command: wp load 197 771 Command: wp modify 197 772 Command: wp unload 197 774 Command: wp show Role: Administrator Commands - 196 SQL: Код SELECT a.*, b.name FROM auth.rbac_linked_permissions AS a JOIN auth.rbac_permissions AS b ON a.linkedid=b.id AND a.id=196; id linkedId name 196 200 Command: rbac 196 201 Command: rbac account 196 226 Command: account set 196 227 Command: account set addon 196 230 Command: achievement 196 231 Command: achievement add 196 233 Command: arena captain 196 234 Command: arena create 196 235 Command: arena disband 196 238 Command: arena rename 196 239 Command: ban 196 240 Command: ban account 196 241 Command: ban character 196 242 Command: ban ip 196 243 Command: ban playeraccount 196 244 Command: baninfo 196 245 Command: baninfo account 196 246 Command: baninfo character 196 247 Command: baninfo ip 196 248 Command: banlist 196 249 Command: banlist account 196 250 Command: banlist character 196 251 Command: banlist ip 196 252 Command: unban 196 253 Command: unban account 196 254 Command: unban character 196 255 Command: unban ip 196 256 Command: unban playeraccount 196 257 Command: bf 196 258 Command: bf start 196 259 Command: bf stop 196 260 Command: bf switch 196 261 Command: bf timer 196 262 Command: bf enable 196 264 Command: account set sec 196 265 Command: account set sec email 196 266 Command: account set sec regmail 196 267 Command: cast 196 268 Command: cast back 196 269 Command: cast dist 196 270 Command: cast self 196 271 Command: cast target 196 272 Command: cast dest 196 279 Command: character deleted list 196 280 Command: character deleted restore 196 283 Command: character level 196 287 Command: levelup 196 288 Command: pdump 196 289 Command: pdump load 196 290 Command: pdump write 196 291 Command: cheat 196 292 Command: cheat casttime 196 293 Command: cheat cooldown 196 294 Command: cheat explore 196 295 Command: cheat god 196 296 Command: cheat power 196 297 Command: cheat status 196 298 Command: cheat taxi 196 299 Command: cheat waterwalk 196 302 Command: debug areatriggers 196 303 Command: debug arena 196 304 Command: debug bg 196 305 Command: debug entervehicle 196 306 Command: debug getitemstate 196 307 Command: debug getitemvalue 196 308 Command: debug getvalue 196 309 Command: debug hostil 196 310 Command: debug itemexpire 196 313 Command: debug mod32value 196 314 Command: debug moveflags 196 319 Command: debug send 196 320 Command: debug send buyerror 196 321 Command: debug send channelnotify 196 322 Command: debug send chatmessage 196 323 Command: debug send equiperror 196 324 Command: debug send largepacket 196 325 Command: debug send opcode 196 326 Command: debug send qinvalidmsg 196 327 Command: debug send qpartymsg 196 328 Command: debug send sellerror 196 329 Command: debug send setphaseshift 196 330 Command: debug send spellfail 196 331 Command: debug setaurastate 196 332 Command: debug setbit 196 333 Command: debug setitemvalue 196 334 Command: debug setvalue 196 335 Command: debug setvid 196 336 Command: debug spawnvehicle 196 337 Command: debug threat 196 338 Command: debug update 196 339 Command: debug uws 196 340 Command: wpgps 196 341 Command: deserter 196 342 Command: deserter bg 196 343 Command: deserter bg add 196 344 Command: deserter bg remove 196 345 Command: deserter instance 196 346 Command: deserter instance add 196 347 Command: deserter instance remove 196 348 Command: disable 196 349 Command: disable add 196 350 Command: disable add achievement_criteria 196 351 Command: disable add battleground 196 352 Command: disable add map 196 353 Command: disable add mmap 196 354 Command: disable add outdoorpvp 196 355 Command: disable add quest 196 356 Command: disable add spell 196 357 Command: disable add vmap 196 358 Command: disable remove 196 359 Command: disable remove achievement_criteria 196 360 Command: disable remove battleground 196 361 Command: disable remove map 196 362 Command: disable remove mmap 196 363 Command: disable remove outdoorpvp 196 364 Command: disable remove quest 196 365 Command: disable remove spell 196 366 Command: disable remove vmap 196 373 Command: gm fly 196 375 Command: gm list 196 400 debug transport 196 401 Command: guild 196 402 Command: guild create 196 403 Command: guild delete 196 404 Command: guild invite 196 405 Command: guild uninvite 196 406 Command: guild rank 196 407 Command: guild rename 196 417 Command: learn 196 418 Command: learn all 196 419 Command: learn all my 196 420 Command: learn all my class 196 421 Command: learn all my pettalents 196 422 Command: learn all my spells 196 423 Command: learn all my talents 196 424 Command: learn all gm 196 425 Command: learn all crafts 196 426 Command: learn all default 196 427 Command: learn all lang 196 428 Command: learn all recipes 196 429 Command: unlearn 196 434 Command: lfg clean 196 435 Command: lfg options 196 436 Command: list 196 437 Command: list creature 196 438 Command: list item 196 439 Command: list object 196 440 Command: list auras 196 441 Command: list mail 196 442 Command: lookup 196 443 Command: lookup area 196 444 Command: lookup creature 196 445 Command: lookup event 196 446 Command: lookup faction 196 447 Command: lookup item 196 448 Command: lookup itemset 196 449 Command: lookup object 196 450 Command: lookup quest 196 451 Command: lookup player 196 452 Command: lookup player ip 196 453 Command: lookup player account 196 454 Command: lookup player email 196 455 Command: lookup skill 196 456 Command: lookup spell 196 457 Command: lookup spell id 196 458 Command: lookup taxinode 196 459 Command: lookup tele 196 461 Command: lookup map 196 463 Command: channel 196 464 Command: channel set 196 465 Command: channel set ownership 196 472 Command: group 196 473 Command: group leader 196 474 Command: group disband 196 475 Command: group remove 196 476 Command: group join 196 477 Command: group list 196 478 Command: group summon 196 488 Command: additem 196 489 Command: additemset 196 491 Command: aura 196 492 Command: bank 196 493 Command: bindsight 196 495 Command: cometome 196 497 Command: cooldown 196 498 Command: damage 196 499 Command: dev 196 500 Command: die 196 502 Command: distance 196 503 Command: flusharenapoints 196 505 Command: gps 196 508 Command: hidearea 196 511 Command: linkgrave 196 513 Command: maxskill 196 514 Command: movegens 196 516 Command: neargrave 196 519 Command: possess 196 522 Command: respawn 196 523 Command: revive 196 526 Command: setskill 196 527 Command: showarea 196 529 Command: unaura 196 530 Command: unbindsight 196 533 Command: unpossess 196 535 Command: wchange 196 536 Command: mmap 196 537 Command: mmap loadedtiles 196 538 Command: mmap loc 196 539 Command: mmap path 196 540 Command: mmap stats 196 541 Command: mmap testarea 196 556 Command: modify phase 196 581 Command: npc set allowmove 196 582 Command: npc set entry 196 592 Command: npc set data 196 593 Command: npc info 196 596 Command: npc playemote 196 602 Command: quest 196 603 Command: quest add 196 604 Command: quest complete 196 605 Command: quest remove 196 606 Command: quest reward 196 607 Command: reload 196 608 Command: reload access_requirement 196 609 Command: reload achievement_criteria_data 196 610 Command: reload achievement_reward 196 611 Command: reload all 196 612 Command: reload all achievement 196 613 Command: reload all area 196 614 Command: broadcast_text 196 615 Command: reload all gossips 196 616 Command: reload all item 196 617 Command: reload all locales 196 618 Command: reload all loot 196 619 Command: reload all npc 196 620 Command: reload all quest 196 621 Command: reload all scripts 196 622 Command: reload all spell 196 623 Command: reload areatrigger_involvedrelation 196 624 Command: reload areatrigger_tavern 196 625 Command: reload areatrigger_teleport 196 626 Command: reload auctions 196 627 Command: reload autobroadcast 196 628 Command: reload command 196 629 Command: reload conditions 196 630 Command: reload config 196 631 Command: reload battleground_template 196 633 Command: reload creature_linked_respawn 196 634 Command: reload creature_loot_template 196 635 Command: reload creature_onkill_reputation 196 636 Command: reload creature_questender 196 637 Command: reload creature_queststarter 196 638 Command: reload creature_summon_groups 196 639 Command: reload creature_template 196 640 Command: reload creature_text 196 641 Command: reload disables 196 642 Command: reload disenchant_loot_template 196 643 Command: reload event_scripts 196 644 Command: reload fishing_loot_template 196 645 Command: reload game_graveyard_zone 196 646 Command: reload game_tele 196 647 Command: reload gameobject_questender 196 648 Command: reload gameobject_loot_template 196 649 Command: reload gameobject_queststarter 196 650 Command: reload gm_tickets 196 651 Command: reload gossip_menu 196 652 Command: reload gossip_menu_option 196 653 Command: reload item_enchantment_template 196 654 Command: reload item_loot_template 196 655 Command: reload item_set_names 196 656 Command: reload lfg_dungeon_rewards 196 657 Command: reload locales_achievement_reward 196 658 Command: reload locales_creature 196 659 Command: reload locales_creature_text 196 660 Command: reload locales_gameobject 196 661 Command: reload locales_gossip_menu_option 196 662 Command: reload locales_item 196 663 Command: reload locales_item_set_name 196 664 Command: reload locales_npc_text 196 665 Command: reload locales_page_text 196 666 Command: reload locales_points_of_interest 196 667 Command: reload locales_quest 196 668 Command: reload mail_level_reward 196 669 Command: reload mail_loot_template 196 670 Command: reload milling_loot_template 196 671 Command: reload npc_spellclick_spells 196 672 Command: reload npc_trainer 196 673 Command: reload npc_vendor 196 674 Command: reload page_text 196 675 Command: reload pickpocketing_loot_template 196 676 Command: reload points_of_interest 196 677 Command: reload prospecting_loot_template 196 678 Command: reload quest_poi 196 679 Command: reload quest_template 196 680 Command: reload rbac 196 681 Command: reload reference_loot_template 196 682 Command: reload reserved_name 196 683 Command: reload reputation_reward_rate 196 684 Command: reload reputation_spillover_template 196 685 Command: reload skill_discovery_template 196 686 Command: reload skill_extra_item_template 196 687 Command: reload skill_fishing_base_level 196 688 Command: reload skinning_loot_template 196 689 Command: reload smart_scripts 196 690 Command: reload spell_required 196 691 Command: reload spell_area 196 692 Command: reload spell_bonus_data 196 693 Command: reload spell_group 196 694 Command: reload spell_learn_spell 196 695 Command: reload spell_loot_template 196 696 Command: reload spell_linked_spell 196 697 Command: reload spell_pet_auras 196 698 Command: reload spell_proc_event 196 699 Command: reload spell_proc 196 700 Command: reload spell_scripts 196 701 Command: reload spell_target_position 196 702 Command: reload spell_threats 196 703 Command: reload spell_group_stack_rules 196 704 Command: reload trinity_string 196 705 Command: reload warden_action 196 706 Command: reload waypoint_scripts 196 707 Command: reload waypoint_data 196 708 Command: reload vehicle_accessory 196 709 Command: reload vehicle_template_accessory 196 710 Command: reset 196 711 Command: reset achievements 196 712 Command: reset honor 196 713 Command: reset level 196 714 Command: reset spells 196 715 Command: reset stats 196 716 Command: reset talents 196 717 Command: reset all 196 718 Command: server 196 719 Command: server corpses 196 721 Command: server idlerestart 196 722 Command: server idlerestart cancel 196 723 Command: server idleshutdown 196 724 Command: server idleshutdown cancel 196 725 Command: server info 196 726 Command: server plimit 196 727 Command: server restart 196 728 Command: server restart cancel 196 729 Command: server set 196 730 Command: server set closed 196 733 Command: server set motd 196 734 Command: server shutdown 196 735 Command: server shutdown cancel 196 736 Command: server motd 196 738 Command: tele add 196 739 Command: tele del 196 748 Command: ticket delete 196 753 Command: ticket reset 196 757 Command: ticket togglesystem 196 773 Command: wp reload 196 777 Command: mailbox |
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