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Телепорт Хак и многое другое ОФФ Сервера !!! )))

По вопросам участия в поисках багов на Ру Офе писать сюда )

#WarlockForBugs Русская команда багеров
#WarlockForBugs Русская команда багеров
Сообщение # 1 написано 24.06.2016 в 00:53
Автор продает чужой чит, оригинал ниже бесплатно!!!

Works best with all 6.2.X LIVE/PTR
List of supported versions:
5.4.8 (MoP) - Most features.
6.2.X (WoD) - Everything. Live and PTR.
7.0.3 (Legion/Alpha/Beta) - Everything.

Hello, Ownedcore!

My intention with EWT is to basically gather all programming knowledge I learned recently and then put all of it in a "toolbox", where you will find many tools, some useful, others not that much. It can be used in 3 different modes:

Passive - Only reads Wow's memory and uses your mouse to interact with in-game objects. It doesn't use Lua.
Fishing Bot - Normal fishing. EWT will use your mouse to interact with the bobber. You won't be able to do other tasks on your computer.
Profile Maker - Use this to record in a file a path with all the coordinates that you run through in-game
Simple key spammer
Beeping if there's a player near and targetting you
WoW Token Tracker - Track WoW Token prices in all regions.
Chat monitor - Bot will beep when some desired word appears in chat.
Auction House and Black Market timers - View the exact time left on auctions, in hours, minutes and seconds.
Object/Unit Spy - Mouse over mobs/objects to get their information, such as distance, display IDs, GUID, type, etc

Background - Reads Wow's memory and writes to common addresses, such as Click to Move position, Mouse Over target, etc. Even though it does writes, it doesn't use Lua for anything nor modifies the game client. This is still a very safe mode.
All Passive features
Fishing Bot - It doesn't use your mouse to interact with the bobber.
Grinding - Set your keys, choose your profile and you are good to go!
Gathering - Support to Herbalism and Mining.
Smart Targetting - No need of /tar macros - The bot will find and target enemies around you
Anti-AFK- No keys are needed

Active - Reads, writes, hacks and uses Lua for convenience. Everything is Warden Protected, but I wouldn't use EWT in this mode with an account that you REALLY care for.
All features enabled.

From my experience over months of banwaves, I can say that:
- If you use EWT on Private, PTR or Beta servers, you are safe to use it on "Active".
- If you use it on Retail, make your choice according to how you care for your account. Even though I'm constantly improving EWT's security, it's hard for me to guarantee 100% safety, especially on "Active" mode.

List of features available on Active Mode:
Run any LUA Script - Any protected function can be run
Auto-accept LFR/LFD/BG invites. If you don't turn it on, EWT will just blink WoW.
Auto-interrupt Set the spell ID in the in-game UI and you are good to go!
Rotation bot - Write your rotation in LUA on a separate file, set that file in EWT's Configuration and you are good to go! In the Extra tab, you also have a button that enables just the combat without handling character movement.

Visual hacks:
Hide all players - Stop rendering players around you
Render filter - Choose which stuff WoW should render: Terrain, WMOs, M2s, Liquid, Wireframe, etc.
Persistent Morpher - Supports all tMorph chat commands and contains an in-game UI to easily help you. It also has 2 extra features: pet/target morphing via .morph <id> command and .shapeshift <form> <displayId> command for Druid variations.
Rendering disabler - Disable WoW rendering, reducing WoW CPU usage.
Increase view distance - Customize your view distance up to 2600 (2x Wow's max distance)
Change Field of View (FoV)

Active Hacks:
Teleport - Simply type .go <X> <Y> <Z> with coordinates in the same map. You will get disconnected, but upon logging back in, you will be on the desired coordinates! You can also CTRL-Click some place, whether in the game world or in Wow's map to teleport! PS: Teleport might be instant on certain private servers.
Spectator mode - Type .spectate and your camera will be detached, allowing you to free roam in the world. You can combine this with .go command.
LUA Unlocker - Run any protected WoW API function.
Water walk
Climb - Climb cliffs without any angle limit.
Collision - You can select which objects to collide with: Terrain, WMOs and M2s.
Stop fall - Push the button or make a macro to stop falling. You will take fall damage.
Fly - You can fly around as if you were walking in the air.
Superfly - Fly around by using your spacebar just like regular flying.
Hover - Similar to fly hack, but you can't go up or down.
Multi-Jump - Jump as many times as you want while in air.
Suicide - You simply die and take -10% durability.
Tracking - Track all units or objects around you. They will show in your minimap.
Always-Facing - Attack your target without facing it.
No swim - Whenever you enter in water, your character won't swim.
Moving-Cast - Cast a spell without being interrupted while moving.
Obscure Target - Players won't see who you are targeting. Very useful in PvP
No Knockback
Lag command - Simply type .lag <timeout in milliseconds> and you will lag in-game for a short time.
Auto-grab BG flags - Automatically interact with Warsong Gulch or Twin Peaks flags around you, whether grabbing or returning them super quick!

Passive Hacks (automatically enabled):
/follow anything - You can /follow any unit from any distance.
Auction House and Black Market timers - EWT will change WoW's UI to display the time left.
No zoom limit - Removes the zoom limit of your camera.
Loot mounted - Loot corpses without getting dismounted.
View all levels - You won't see that "boss icon" anymore.

Advanced stuff:
Advanced LUA API - EWT extends Wow's Lua API by adding new functions. Click here to view the API documentation.
Offset Finder - Use this to find the "famous" offsets that you might need to update every new patch. EWT uses a file (which can be downloaded inside the bot) containing the signature/pattern of the desired functions and does an intelligent scan on Wow.exe to find where the info you need is.
Warden Protection - EWT bypasses all Warden scans and contains real time protection.

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Основной акк в бане JakalNVF
Сообщение # 2 написано 24.06.2016 в 17:35
Форум » Корзина форума » Корзина » Телепорт Хак и многое другое ОФФ Сервера !!! ))) (Всем привет ) предоставляю вашему внимаю моё новое видео ))
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