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Форум » TrinityCore » Патчи / Моды / Фиксы для Trinity » все для 2.4.3/3.3.5 (wow 2.4.3) |
все для 2.4.3/3.3.5 |
вот решил выложить npc с реагентами для проф 2.4.3 также подходят для OregonCore последней ривизии
скачать тема будет обновляться Добавлено (02.03.2014, 00:18) --------------------------------------------- вот полностью ! AlterShop 2.4.3 Скачать Добавлено (07.03.2014, 06:28) --------------------------------------------- вот Квест для 2.4.3 дающий 10к голды и 70 лвл! кв доступен на первом лвл -- 07.03.2014 6:18:09 REPLACE INTO `creature_template` (`entry`, `heroic_entry`, `modelid_A`, `modelid_A2`, `modelid_H`, `modelid_H2`, `name`, `subname`, `IconName`, `minlevel`, `maxlevel`, `minhealth`, `maxhealth`, `minmana`, `maxmana`, `armor`, `faction_A`, `faction_H`, `npcflag`, `speed`, `scale`, `rank`, `mindmg`, `maxdmg`, `dmgschool`, `attackpower`, `baseattacktime`, `rangeattacktime`, `dynamicflags`, `family`, `trainer_type`, `trainer_spell`, `class`, `race`, `minrangedmg`, `maxrangedmg`, `rangedattackpower`, `type`, `lootid`, `pickpocketloot`, `skinloot`, `resistance1`, `resistance2`, `resistance3`, `resistance4`, `resistance5`, `resistance6`, `spell1`, `spell2`, `spell3`, `spell4`, `PetSpellDataId`, `mingold`, `maxgold`, `AIName`, `MovementType`, `InhabitType`, `RacialLeader`, `RegenHealth`, `equipment_id`, `mechanic_immune_mask`, `flags_extra`, `ScriptName`) VALUES (1001942, 0, 175, 0, 175, 0, 'Gruff Swiftbite', 'Start Gold', 'Level Quest/70', 12, 12, 247, 247, 0, 0, 573, 20, 20, 0, 1.39, 1, 4, 5, 9, 0, 49, 1550, 1705, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17.732, 24.3815, 100, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 21, 'EventAI', 1, 3, 0, 1, 344, 0, 0, ''); DELETE FROM `creature_questrelation` WHERE `quest` = 987654; DELETE FROM `gameobject_questrelation` WHERE `quest` = 987654; UPDATE `item_template` SET `StartQuest`=0 WHERE `StartQuest` = 987654; INSERT INTO `creature_questrelation` (`id`, `quest`) VALUES (1001942, 987654); UPDATE `creature_template` SET `npcflag`=`npcflag`|2 WHERE `entry` = 1001942; DELETE FROM `creature_involvedrelation` WHERE `quest` = 987654; DELETE FROM `gameobject_involvedrelation` WHERE `quest` = 987654; INSERT INTO `creature_involvedrelation` (`id`, `quest`) VALUES (1001942, 987654); UPDATE `creature_template` SET `npcflag`=`npcflag`|2 WHERE `entry`=1001942; REPLACE INTO `quest_template` (`entry`, `ZoneOrSort`, `SkillOrClass`, `MinLevel`, `QuestLevel`, `Type`, `RequiredRaces`, `RequiredSkillValue`, `RepObjectiveFaction`, `RepObjectiveValue`, `RequiredMinRepFaction`, `RequiredMinRepValue`, `RequiredMaxRepFaction`, `RequiredMaxRepValue`, `SuggestedPlayers`, `LimitTime`, `QuestFlags`, `SpecialFlags`, `CharTitleId`, `PrevQuestId`, `NextQuestId`, `ExclusiveGroup`, `NextQuestInChain`, `SrcItemId`, `SrcItemCount`, `SrcSpell`, `Title`, `Details`, `Objectives`, `OfferRewardText`, `RequestItemsText`, `EndText`, `ObjectiveText1`, `ObjectiveText2`, `ObjectiveText3`, `ObjectiveText4`, `ReqItemId1`, `ReqItemId2`, `ReqItemId3`, `ReqItemId4`, `ReqItemCount1`, `ReqItemCount2`, `ReqItemCount3`, `ReqItemCount4`, `ReqSourceCount1`, `ReqSourceCount2`, `ReqSourceCount3`, `ReqSourceCount4`, `ReqSourceId1`, `ReqSourceId2`, `ReqSourceId3`, `ReqSourceId4`, `ReqSourceRef1`, `ReqSourceRef2`, `ReqSourceRef3`, `ReqSourceRef4`, `ReqCreatureOrGOId1`, `ReqCreatureOrGOId2`, `ReqCreatureOrGOId3`, `ReqCreatureOrGOId4`, `ReqCreatureOrGOCount1`, `ReqCreatureOrGOCount2`, `ReqCreatureOrGOCount3`, `ReqCreatureOrGOCount4`, `ReqSpellCast1`, `ReqSpellCast2`, `ReqSpellCast3`, `ReqSpellCast4`, `RewChoiceItemId1`, `RewChoiceItemId2`, `RewChoiceItemId3`, `RewChoiceItemId4`, `RewChoiceItemId5`, `RewChoiceItemId6`, `RewChoiceItemCount1`, `RewChoiceItemCount2`, `RewChoiceItemCount3`, `RewChoiceItemCount4`, `RewChoiceItemCount5`, `RewChoiceItemCount6`, `RewItemId1`, `RewItemId2`, `RewItemId3`, `RewItemId4`, `RewItemCount1`, `RewItemCount2`, `RewItemCount3`, `RewItemCount4`, `RewRepFaction1`, `RewRepFaction2`, `RewRepFaction3`, `RewRepFaction4`, `RewRepFaction5`, `RewRepValue1`, `RewRepValue2`, `RewRepValue3`, `RewRepValue4`, `RewRepValue5`, `RewOrReqMoney`, `RewMoneyMaxLevel`, `RewSpell`, `RewSpellCast`, `RewMailTemplateId`, `RewMailDelaySecs`, `PointMapId`, `PointX`, `PointY`, `PointOpt`, `DetailsEmote1`, `DetailsEmote2`, `DetailsEmote3`, `DetailsEmote4`, `IncompleteEmote`, `CompleteEmote`, `OfferRewardEmote1`, `OfferRewardEmote2`, `OfferRewardEmote3`, `OfferRewardEmote4`, `StartScript`, `CompleteScript`) VALUES (987654, 0, 0, 1, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Level and Money', '$N Take Quest and carry it in Stomwind', 'Give a quest to the boss', 'I congratulate you $N you have executed Quest', 'Come back in Stormwind give to boss Quest', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100000000, 2040578, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Добавлено (07.03.2014, 06:29) --------------------------------------------- не забудте прописать квестеру .npc factionid 35 Добавлено (07.03.2014, 06:31) --------------------------------------------- Screenshots завышение статов определеном сету для 3.3.5 ALTER TABLE `item_template` CHANGE `stat_value1` `stat_value1` FLOAT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE `item_template` CHANGE `stat_value2` `stat_value2` FLOAT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE `item_template` CHANGE `stat_value3` `stat_value3` FLOAT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE `item_template` CHANGE `stat_value4` `stat_value4` FLOAT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE `item_template` CHANGE `stat_value5` `stat_value5` FLOAT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE `item_template` CHANGE `stat_value6` `stat_value6` FLOAT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE `item_template` CHANGE `stat_value7` `stat_value7` FLOAT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE `item_template` CHANGE `stat_value8` `stat_value8` FLOAT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE `item_template` CHANGE `stat_value9` `stat_value9` FLOAT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE `item_template` CHANGE `stat_value10` `stat_value10` FLOAT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; SET @VAL := 88; SET @LEVEL1 := 156; SET @LEVEL2 := 154; Update item_template set stat_value1=stat_value1*@VAL where (entry>=0 and entry<=56086) and (itemlevel>=@LEVEL1 and itemlevel<=@LEVEL2); Update item_template set stat_value2=stat_value2*@VAL where (entry>=0 and entry<=56086) and (itemlevel>=@LEVEL1 and itemlevel<=@LEVEL2); Update item_template set stat_value3=stat_value3*@VAL where (entry>=0 and entry<=56086) and (itemlevel>=@LEVEL1 and itemlevel<=@LEVEL2); Update item_template set stat_value4=stat_value4*@VAL where (entry>=0 and entry<=56086) and (itemlevel>=@LEVEL1 and itemlevel<=@LEVEL2); Update item_template set stat_value5=stat_value5*@VAL where (entry>=0 and entry<=56086) and (itemlevel>=@LEVEL1 and itemlevel<=@LEVEL2); Update item_template set stat_value6=stat_value6*@VAL where (entry>=0 and entry<=56086) and (itemlevel>=@LEVEL1 and itemlevel<=@LEVEL2); Update item_template set stat_value1=stat_value1/@VAL where (entry>=0 and entry<=56086) and (itemlevel>=@LEVEL1 and itemlevel<=@LEVEL2) and (stat_type1=14 or stat_type1=35 or stat_type1=13 or stat_type1=12 or stat_type1=15 or stat_type1=36); Update item_template set stat_value2=stat_value2/@VAL where (entry>=0 and entry<=56086) and (itemlevel>=@LEVEL1 and itemlevel<=@LEVEL2) and (stat_type2=14 or stat_type2=35 or stat_type2=13 or stat_type2=12 or stat_type2=15 or stat_type2=36); Update item_template set stat_value3=stat_value3/@VAL where (entry>=0 and entry<=56086) and (itemlevel>=@LEVEL1 and itemlevel<=@LEVEL2) and (stat_type3=14 or stat_type3=35 or stat_type3=13 or stat_type3=12 or stat_type3=15 or stat_type3=36); Update item_template set stat_value4=stat_value4/@VAL where (entry>=0 and entry<=56086) and (itemlevel>=@LEVEL1 and itemlevel<=@LEVEL2) and (stat_type4=14 or stat_type4=35 or stat_type4=13 or stat_type4=12 or stat_type4=15 or stat_type4=36); Update item_template set stat_value5=stat_value5/@VAL where (entry>=0 and entry<=56086) and (itemlevel>=@LEVEL1 and itemlevel<=@LEVEL2) and (stat_type5=14 or stat_type5=35 or stat_type5=13 or stat_type5=12 or stat_type5=15 or stat_type5=36); Update item_template set stat_value6=stat_value6/@VAL where (entry>=0 and entry<=56086) and (itemlevel>=@LEVEL1 and itemlevel<=@LEVEL2) and (stat_type6=14 or stat_type6=35 or stat_type6=13 or stat_type6=12 or stat_type6=15 or stat_type6=36); думаю кому то пригодится Рисованное оружие для 3.3.5 сбалансированые ##############################################################################1 season weapon############################################################################### /*щит*/ update item_template set maxcount=1,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=6, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=190, stat_type2=4, stat_value2=100, stat_type3=35, stat_value3=100, stat_type4=12, stat_value4=50, stat_type5=32, stat_value5=30, stat_type6=14, stat_value6=15, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=0, dmg_max1=0, armor=12500,holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=0, spellid_1=0, spelltrigger_1=0, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Щит (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o300', socketcolor_1=4, socketcolor_2=2, socketbonus=2859, allowableclass=-1, block=270 where entry=51791; /*щит*/ update item_template set maxcount=1,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=7, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=120, stat_type2=5, stat_value2=55, stat_type3=43, stat_value3=40, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=70, stat_type5=45, stat_value5=125, stat_type6=32, stat_value6=30, stat_type7=12, stat_value7=15, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=0, dmg_max1=0, armor=12000,holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=0, spellid_1=0, spelltrigger_1=0, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Щит (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o300', socketcolor_1=8, socketcolor_2=2, socketbonus=3314, allowableclass=-1, block=255 where entry=28754; /*двуручный топор*/ update item_template set maxcount=2,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=7, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=270, stat_type2=4, stat_value2=180, stat_type3=32, stat_value3=115, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=130, stat_type5=44, stat_value5=25, stat_type6=36, stat_value6=40, stat_type7=31, stat_value7=20, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=1000, dmg_max1=1500, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=3000, spellid_1=0, spelltrigger_1=0, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Двуручный топор (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o300', socketcolor_1=2, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=2771, allowableclass=-1 where entry=49888; /*двуручный меч*/ update item_template set maxcount=2,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=7, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=270, stat_type2=4, stat_value2=180, stat_type3=32, stat_value3=115, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=130, stat_type5=44, stat_value5=25, stat_type6=36, stat_value6=40, stat_type7=31, stat_value7=20, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=1000, dmg_max1=1500, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=3000, spellid_1=0, spelltrigger_1=0, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Двуручный меч (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o300', socketcolor_1=2, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=3821, allowableclass=-1 where entry=49299; /*двуручный молот*/ update item_template set maxcount=2,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=7, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=270, stat_type2=4, stat_value2=180, stat_type3=32, stat_value3=115, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=130, stat_type5=44, stat_value5=25, stat_type6=36, stat_value6=40, stat_type7=31, stat_value7=20, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=1000, dmg_max1=1500, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=3000, spellid_1=0, spelltrigger_1=0, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Двуручный молот (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o300', socketcolor_1=2, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=3360, allowableclass=-1 where entry=31959; /*посох*/ update item_template set maxcount=2,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=6, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=270, stat_type2=3, stat_value2=175, stat_type3=32, stat_value3=115, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=130, stat_type5=44, stat_value5=25, stat_type6=36, stat_value6=40, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=600, dmg_max1=850, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=2500, spellid_1=0, spelltrigger_1=0, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Посох (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o300', socketcolor_1=2, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=2770, allowableclass=-1 where entry=34987; /*посох*/ update item_template set maxcount=2,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=7, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=270, stat_type2=5, stat_value2=125, stat_type3=6, stat_value3=60, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=130, stat_type5=36, stat_value5=50, stat_type6=32, stat_value6=110,stat_type7=45, stat_value7=1050, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=400, dmg_max1=640, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=2400, spellid_1=0, spelltrigger_1=1, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Посох (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o300', socketcolor_1=2, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=3602, allowableclass=-1 where entry=40280; /*жезл*/ update item_template set maxcount=1,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=5, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=60, stat_type2=5, stat_value2=35, stat_type3=36, stat_value3=40, stat_type4=32, stat_value4=30, stat_type5=35, stat_value5=45, stat_type6=0, stat_value6=0, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=600, dmg_max1=1100, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=1800, spellid_1=0, spelltrigger_1=0, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Жезл (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o200', socketcolor_1=8, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=2854, allowableclass=-1 where entry=40284; /*лук*/ update item_template set maxcount=1,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=6, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=90, stat_type2=38, stat_value2=130, stat_type3=32, stat_value3=45, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=45, stat_type5=44, stat_value5=15, stat_type6=31, stat_value6=20, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=800, dmg_max1=1050, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=2600, spellid_1=36412, spelltrigger_1=1, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Лук (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o200', socketcolor_1=8, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=3821, allowableclass=-1 where entry=34196; /*ружьё*/ update item_template set maxcount=1,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=6, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=90, stat_type2=38, stat_value2=130, stat_type3=32, stat_value3=45, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=45, stat_type5=44, stat_value5=15, stat_type6=31, stat_value6=20, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=800, dmg_max1=1050, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=2600, spellid_1=36412, spelltrigger_1=1, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Ружьё (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o200', socketcolor_1=8, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=3307, allowableclass=-1 where entry=51385; /*арбалет*/ update item_template set maxcount=1,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=6, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=90, stat_type2=38, stat_value2=130, stat_type3=32, stat_value3=45, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=45, stat_type5=44, stat_value5=15, stat_type6=31, stat_value6=20, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=800, dmg_max1=1050, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=2600, spellid_1=36412, spelltrigger_1=1, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Арбалет (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o200', socketcolor_1=8, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=2877, allowableclass=-1 where entry=42496; /*метательное*/ update item_template set maxcount=1,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=5, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=80, stat_type2=3, stat_value2=40, stat_type3=38, stat_value3=110, stat_type4=32, stat_value4=45, stat_type5=35, stat_value5=45, stat_type6=0, stat_value6=0, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=500, dmg_max1=740, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=1800, spellid_1=0, spelltrigger_1=0, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Дротик (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o200', socketcolor_1=8, socketcolor_2=8, socketbonus=2877, allowableclass=-1 where entry=45296; /*книга*/ update item_template set maxcount=1,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=6, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=115, stat_type2=5, stat_value2=55, stat_type3=45, stat_value3=120, stat_type4=32, stat_value4=55, stat_type5=36, stat_value5=50, stat_type6=35, stat_value6=70, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=0, dmg_max1=0, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=0, spellid_1=0, spelltrigger_1=0, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Книга (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o200', socketcolor_1=4, socketcolor_2=8, socketbonus=2770, allowableclass=-1 where entry=13315; /*одноручный меч*/ update item_template set maxcount=2,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=6, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=225, stat_type2=4, stat_value2=100, stat_type3=32, stat_value3=55, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=65, stat_type5=44, stat_value5=15, stat_type6=36, stat_value6=25, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=600, dmg_max1=850, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=2300, spellid_1=0, spelltrigger_1=0, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Одноручный меч (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o250', socketcolor_1=2, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=3351, allowableclass=-1 where entry=34214; /*одноручный молот*/ update item_template set maxcount=2,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=6, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=225, stat_type2=4, stat_value2=100, stat_type3=32, stat_value3=55, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=65, stat_type5=44, stat_value5=15, stat_type6=36, stat_value6=25, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=600, dmg_max1=850, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=2300, spellid_1=0, spelltrigger_1=0, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Одноручный молот (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o250', socketcolor_1=2, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=3821, allowableclass=-1 where entry=45612; 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/*левая рука меч*/ update item_template set maxcount=2,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=6, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=225, stat_type2=4, stat_value2=100, stat_type3=32, stat_value3=55, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=65, stat_type5=44, stat_value5=15, stat_type6=36, stat_value6=25, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=500, dmg_max1=700, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=1600, spellid_1=0, spelltrigger_1=0, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Одноручный меч (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o250', socketcolor_1=2, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=3358, allowableclass=-1 where entry=35072; /*левая рука молот*/ update item_template set maxcount=2,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=6, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=225, stat_type2=4, stat_value2=100, stat_type3=32, stat_value3=55, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=65, stat_type5=44, stat_value5=15, stat_type6=36, stat_value6=25, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=500, dmg_max1=700, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=1600, spellid_1=0, spelltrigger_1=0, spellid_2=0, spelltrigger_2=0, spellid_3=0, description='Одноручный молот (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o250', socketcolor_1=2, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=3360, allowableclass=-1 where entry=22808; 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/*манускрипт*/ update item_template set maxcount=1,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=5, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=105, stat_type2=4, stat_value2=75, stat_type3=5, stat_value3=30, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=5, stat_type5=36, stat_value5=5, stat_type6=0, stat_value6=0, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=0, dmg_max1=0, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=0, spellid_1=71186, spelltrigger_1=1, spellid_2=71191, spelltrigger_2=1, spellid_3=0, description='Манускрипт (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o200', socketcolor_1=8, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=3307, allowableclass=-1 where entry=42853; /*идол*/ update item_template set maxcount=1,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=5, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=70, stat_type2=5, stat_value2=40, stat_type3=36, stat_value3=25, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=20, stat_type5=45, stat_value5=35, stat_type6=0, stat_value6=0, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=0, dmg_max1=0, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=0, spellid_1=71174, spelltrigger_1=1, spellid_2=71176, spelltrigger_2=1, spellid_3=0, description='Идол (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o200', socketcolor_1=8, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=3307, allowableclass=-1 where entry=42589; /*тотем*/ update item_template set maxcount=1,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=5, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=80, stat_type2=5, stat_value2=35, stat_type3=36, stat_value3=25, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=20, stat_type5=45, stat_value5=35, stat_type6=0, stat_value6=0, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=0, dmg_max1=0, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=0, spellid_1=71198, spelltrigger_1=1, spellid_2=71214, spelltrigger_2=1, spellid_3=0, description='Тотем (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o200', socketcolor_1=8, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=3307, allowableclass=-1 where entry=42608; /*печать*/ update item_template set maxcount=1,quality=5,buycount=1,buyprice=0,sellprice=0,itemlevel=250,requiredlevel=80,stackable=1,statscount=4, stat_type1=7, stat_value1=105, stat_type2=4, stat_value2=85, stat_type3=36, stat_value3=30, stat_type4=35, stat_value4=20, stat_type5=0, stat_value5=0, stat_type6=0, stat_value6=0, stat_type7=0, stat_value7=0, stat_type8=0, stat_value8=0, dmg_min1=0, dmg_max1=0, armor=0, holy_res=0, fire_res=0, nature_res=0, frost_res=0, shadow_res=0, arcane_res=0, bonding=1, maxdurability=0, delay=0, spellid_1=71226, spelltrigger_1=1, spellid_2=40475, spelltrigger_2=1, spellid_3=0, description='Печать (I сезон)', scriptname='Pashok.s1o200', socketcolor_1=8, socketcolor_2=4, socketbonus=3307, allowableclass=-1 where entry=42621;
WoW Classic Fun Баланс
----------------------------------------------------------------- Помог Ставь + (Я Вернулся) |
добовляю для 2.4.3 и 3.3.5 что бы 2 темы не создавать
Добавлено (15.04.2014, 17:25) Добавлено (03.06.2014, 18:13) #стена огня внутри коридора входа в Оргри replace into gameobject VALUES (800161, 185170, 1, 1, 1, 1449.77, -4433.91, 28.0364, 4.82147, 0, 0, 0.667508, -0.744603, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800162, 185170, 1, 1, 1, 1421.76, -4403.75, 28.0326, 3.25417, 0, 0, 0.998416, -0.0562586, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800163, 185170, 1, 1, 1, 1446.97, -4400.5, 28.039, 0.238459, 0, 0, 0.118947, 0.992901, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800164, 185170, 1, 1, 1, 1419.77, -4385.9, 28.0178, 3.29431, 0, 0, 0.997086, -0.0762855, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800165, 185170, 1, 1, 1, 1444.67, -4382.71, 28.0317, 0.13326, 0, 0, 0.0665806, 0.997781, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800166, 185170, 1, 1, 1, 1401.97, -4379.95, 28.5666, 4.80987, 0, 0, 0.671817, -0.740717, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800167, 185170, 1, 1, 1, 1398.81, -4354.91, 28.5669, 1.67373, 0, 0, 0.742547, 0.669794, 25, 0, 1); 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replace into gameobject VALUES (800093, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8913.31, 562.016, 93.6515, 2.15532, 0, 0, 0.880851, 0.473393, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800094, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8916.11, 559.984, 93.8152, 2.15532, 0, 0, 0.880851, 0.473393, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800095, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8918.80, 557.701, 93.9866, 2.15532, 0, 0, 0.880851, 0.473393, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800096, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8921.54, 555.628, 94.1409, 2.25567, 0, 0, 0.903487, 0.428616, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800097, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8924.62, 553.187, 94.3165, 2.19044, 0, 0, 0.889029, 0.457851, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800098, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8892.45, 561.609, 92.9358, 5.38265, 0, 0, 0.435208, -0.90033, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800099, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8895.18, 559.466, 93.048, 5.37763, 0, 0, 0.437465, -0.899235, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800100, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8897.72, 557.436, 93.253, 5.38766, 0, 0, 0.432948, -0.901419, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800101, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8900.43, 555.242, 93.4789, 5.3977, 0, 0, 0.428419, -0.90358, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800102, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8903.26, 552.832, 93.75, 5.43282, 0, 0, 0.412485, -0.910964, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800103, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8905.8, 550.813, 93.9687, 5.38614, 0, 0, 0.433637, -0.901088, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800104, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8908.72, 548.491, 94.2206, 5.46642, 0, 0, 0.397125, -0.917764, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800105, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8911.42, 546.341, 94.3783, 5.46642, 0, 0, 0.397125, -0.917764, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800106, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8913.95, 544.336, 94.4933, 5.47144, 0, 0, 0.394821, -0.918758, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800107, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8916.45, 542.281, 94.6201, 5.47144, 0, 0, 0.394821, -0.918758, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800108, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8900.08, 572.676, 92.9021, 2.29376, 0, 0, 0.911485, 0.411332, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800109, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8902.66, 570.688, 93.0512, 2.28874, 0, 0, 0.910451, 0.413618, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800110, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8905.11, 568.621, 93.1792, 2.15828, 0, 0, 0.881552, 0.472086, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800111, 182599, 0, 1, 1, -8907.69, 566.545, 93.3257, 2.22853, 0, 0, 0.897587, 0.440837, 25, 0, 1); #Кристалл, который превращает в ДМ replace into gameobject VALUES (800184, 180797, 0, 1, 1, -8839.95, 595.503, 93.8983, 2.45443, 0, 0, 0.941554, 0.336863, 25, 0, 1); replace into gameobject VALUES (800185, 180797, 1, 1, 1, 1579.45, -4387.59, 9.16387, 0.111186, 0, 0, 0.0555644, 0.998455, 25, 0, 1); #Базовый спелл грифона для альянса delete from playercreateinfo_spell where spell=32242; replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 1, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 2, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 4, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 5, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 6, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 8, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 9, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 1, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 2, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 3, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 4, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 5, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 6, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 1, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 3, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 4, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 5, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 6, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 11, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (7, 1, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (7, 4, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (7, 6, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (7, 8, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (7, 9, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 1, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 2, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 3, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 5, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 6, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 7, 32242, "Gryphon"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 8, 32242, "Gryphon"); #Базовый спелл тигра для альянса delete from playercreateinfo_spell where spell=23221; replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 1, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 2, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 4, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 5, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 6, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 8, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 9, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 1, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 2, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 3, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 4, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 5, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 6, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 1, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 3, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 4, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 5, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 6, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 11, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (7, 1, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (7, 4, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (7, 6, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (7, 8, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (7, 9, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 1, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 2, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 3, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 5, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 6, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 7, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 8, 23221, "Reins of the Swift Frostsab"); #Базовый спелл дракона для орды delete from playercreateinfo_spell where spell=32246; replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 1, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 3, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 4, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 6, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 7, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 9, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 1, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 4, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 5, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 6, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 8, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 9, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (6, 1, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (6, 3, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (6, 6, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (6, 7, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (6, 11, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 1, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 3, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 4, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 5, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 6, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 7, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 8, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 2, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 3, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 4, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 5, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 6, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 8, 32246, "Windrider"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 9, 32246, "Windrider"); #Базовый спелл раптора для орды delete from playercreateinfo_spell where spell=23241; replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 1, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 3, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 4, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 6, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 7, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 9, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 1, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 4, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 5, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 6, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 8, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 9, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (6, 1, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (6, 3, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (6, 6, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (6, 7, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (6, 11, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 1, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 3, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 4, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 5, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 6, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 7, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 8, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 2, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 3, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 4, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 5, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 6, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 8, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 9, 23241, "Swift Blue Raptor"); #Базовый спелл дл летания в Награнде delete from playercreateinfo_spell where spell=54197; replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 1, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 3, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 4, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 6, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 7, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (2, 9, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 1, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 4, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 5, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 6, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 8, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (5, 9, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (6, 1, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (6, 3, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (6, 6, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (6, 7, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (6, 11, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 1, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 3, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 4, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 5, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 6, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 7, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (8, 8, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 2, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 3, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 4, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 5, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 6, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 8, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (10, 9, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 1, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 2, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 4, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 5, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 6, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 8, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (1, 9, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 1, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 2, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 3, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 4, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 5, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (3, 6, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 1, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 3, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 4, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 5, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 6, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (4, 11, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (7, 1, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (7, 4, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (7, 6, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (7, 8, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (7, 9, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 1, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 2, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 3, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 5, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 6, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 7, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); replace into playercreateinfo_spell values (11, 8, 54197, "Cold Weather Flying"); Добавлено (03.06.2014, 18:23)
WoW Classic Fun Баланс
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Сообщение # 3 написано 03.06.2014 в 18:23
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